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Clay's Pov

Ava seated the courdanets to were the book of monster told her to go, I walked down the hall of the fortex letting thoughts go through me.

Is Magmar okay? What happened to him? What made him lose control of his powers? Why is heartbreak what made him lose control?

My thoughts were snapped out of me when I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned my heart over and saw Beast Master looking at me. "Hey Knight, how you holding up? You know with this whole Magmar thing going down."

I understand why he would be asking me that, "I'm doing okay, just think that's all." Beast Master gave me a small smile, "hey you wanna head to the top of the fortex, I wanna talk to you without everyone around." "Yeah, I really need to talk to someone right now. Come with me."

I walked in front of Beast Master and lead him to the top of the fortex, I punched in the code and when the door slide opened we were greeted by wind almost blowing us off our feet. We walked over to the front the fortex and leaned our arms on the railings.

"You know, when we're going to another village I come up here and just let my thoughts go around my head. I mostly thought about Jestro and how I want my best friend, and get him away from that book. It's something I kept letting go around in my head when me and Jestro we're kids I made I promise to him that I would always be there for him, but I wasn't when the book got to him first. I felt like I failed my best friend." I told Beast Master as a picture of me and Jestro meeting when we were kids playing in my head.

Beast Master put his hand on my shoulder giving me a sweet smile. "You didn't fail Jestro, Monstrox just saw him and thought he was perfect for his plan to take over the kingdom."

"Wait- did you say Monstrox?"

"Oh, yeah, the book of monsters is Monstrox. He took care of me and Magmar when we were young and told us more about or mom and dad cause he knew them."

"He did?"

Beast Master shook his head as he pulled two pieces of folded paper from his pocket. He handed one picture to me when I took it I unfolded it and looked down at it.

"The guy on the left is our dad, General Red, the girl on the right is our mom General Pink Diamond, and the guy in the middle is Monstrox

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"The guy on the left is our dad, General Red, the girl on the right is our mom General Pink Diamond, and the guy in the middle is Monstrox. They knew each other for years and they were the best of friends until our mom and dad disappeared, our grandmother left us with Monstrox cause she trusts Monstrox. Even though he was the villain he took care of us and helped us with our powers." Beast Master explained to me, "he may have been bad, but he loved me and Magmar as if we were his own."

Beast Master took the picture out of my hands and gave me another one, I unfolded it and was amazed by what I was looking at.

Beast Master took the picture out of my hands and gave me another one, I unfolded it and was amazed by what I was looking at

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"Beast Master is this-"

"That's our mom, our dad, the little boy next to Pink is me and the other boy beside me is Magmar. That was the last photo we took together before they disappeared all of a sudden, I wonder if they're okay."

"They probably are, I bet they're somewhere out there right now looking for you and Magmar."

Beast Master took the picture back and folded them again, shoving them in his pocket. "Thank you, Clay, that means a lot to me."

Beast Master patted my shoulder, I looked up from the ground and saw trees blocking the sun. It made everything dark and grey, I ducked down as a tree branched went over my head. I looked at Beast Master, his eyes were widen as he saw the road we were going down.

"We're here, this is were the other diamonds are. Clay this is were my aunts and grandmother are."

Love burning like lava (Clay x General Magmar)Where stories live. Discover now