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Aaron's pov

Well looks like Clay's secret is out, like mine. Can't wait to see what everyone has to say about this, oh Clay's mom just walked in. This is gonna be awesome and bad. Let's see what happens.


Clay's pov

My mom just walked in, she saw everyone looking at me and helped me off the ground. "Can someone please tell me what's going on? Why are there lava monsters in the fortex? Why does everyone have a weird look on their faces? Please tell me what on earth is going on?" Everyone looked at me and I sighed, I putted my hand on her shoulder and she looked at me. "Mom let me explain everything."

I just letted everything out, I told her and Everyone everything that happened and what we know thanks to Beast Master. I told her about Magmar kissing me and how he ran, when my feelings for him kept growing, when I told him that I felt the same, how we've been dating for a couple of weeks know, and I started to tell her what Beast Master told us and that we need to help them or else Magmar well destroy the kingdom if we don't do something.

"And that's all we know," it was quite from the others and from my mom, I looked from the ground and saw my mom covering her mouth with her hand trying to hold back something. She finally broke and she feel to the ground laughing along with Merlok, what is happening right know?? "Clay...I'm s-s-sorry hahahah...But we knew already!!"

"You what?!"

I looked over at Merlok who was holding his stomach trying to catch his breath, "my boy, we had a feeling it had to be Magmar for the same thing happened to another knight or should I say General, General Pink Diamond." Beast Master perked up at the name.

"Wait General Pink Diamond? That's our mom, she fell in love with our father General Red who was also a lava monster. They dated and they soon got married they had Magmar then they had me, our mother was a true fighter along with our grandmother and two aunts. She passed down her powers to the both of us and we grew up learning how to control them, when we started to lose control of our powers our lava spots would change color to match our emotions, we even started to keep a notebook of the colors and the emotion we're feeling. Dark purple stands for heart break, so if Clay didn't break his heart something or someone must have made him feel that emotion and made him lose control of his powers but I don't know who." Beast Master explained.

"Don't worry Beast Master we'll find away to help him and to help him control his powers. But we're gonna need more help." I said, walking over to him i placed my hand on his shoulder looking him in the eyes.

Everyone started to think of who they can call for help, until the book finally spoke up. "I know who we can ask for help, their are three Diamonds in the woods they have a castle their, we can go and find them and ask for help." "What are you getting at book?" I asked.

"Those three Diamonds are Pink's mother and sisters, also know as Beast Master's and General Magmar's grandmother and aunts."

Love burning like lava (Clay x General Magmar)Where stories live. Discover now