chapter 1 stony

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A/n sorry guys I deleted last chapter by accident it might be the same thing maybe a little different

Tony pov.
I am sitting at my desk in my Office at Avengers Tower for Stark industries getting ready to finish up for today when I got a call from Bruce Wayne my best friend/ ex-boyfriend from College but we decided to stay friend after we broke up

Tony: Stark industries Tony Stark speaking

Bruce W: hey Tony how are you doing buddy

Tony: hey Bruce I am good, How you doing bud.

Bruce W: I am good How are Steve and the kids and the baby that on the way

Tony: there good and the baby is fine I put my hand my bump

Bruce W: that good how far are you it is a Boy or girl and how old are the kids

Tony: Caleb is 20, Peter is 17, Harley is 17, Sarah is 3 years old. and I am 5 months pregnant and its a girl I know why you asked you can forget sometimes and we been to busy to hang out Btw how are Clark and the kids and how old are they

Bruce W: they are good, dick is 25 Jason is 22 Tim is 18 Damian is 13 Clark son Jon is 10 and Martha is 4, 3 of my boy are adopted, Damian is my biological son and Martha is my and Clark biological daughter and Jon is Clark and Lois, son

Tony: wow that a lot of kids, so how long you been dating Clark Kent?

Bruce W: we started dating in 2008 and got married in 2010 we were together for 10 years and we been married for 8 of those years what about you and Steve

Tony: wow that a Long time uh we got together in 2000 and we got married in 2014 so we been dating for 18 years and married for 4 years

Bruce: wait in 2000 that the years you and I broke up is there something you're not telling me

Tony: yeah okay do you remember when I went to visit my family and see my son in New York like 18 years ago I did but that not the whole truth Steve and I were best friends at the time I visited him and you were never around so I told him that I love him and he said he loves me too and we start kissing and making out and we want to his bedroom and we had sex and it was the best weekend of my life and I was in love with him, so we decided to stay a secret for a while because I was still dating you at the time 2 week pass I wasn't feeling well so I took a pregnancy test and it was positive I was scared to tell you because it wasn't yours is was Steve so I left a letter telling you that I am sorry so I left and moved back new York To be with Steve and caleb. I am sorry I didn't tell you

Bruce W: So all this time you never loved me so you used me and cheated on me it's that it

Tony: yes I am sorry Bruce I didn't mean to hurt you

Bruce W: but you did you know what *beep* you, Goodbye Tony

"No Bruce no please hello hello dang it" I hung up the phone and I started crying oh god why me I look at the clock it is 5:00 pm it closing time "hey Jarvis can you closed everything up tell Steve and the guys I will be down in 10 minutes and is Peter home from school yet", i asked

"Okay and yes like 25 minute ago and Steve and the guys said okay and Steve is cooking dinner" Jarvis answer

"Thank you, Jarvis", I walk out of my Office to see pepper potts is sitting at her desk finishing up work

"hey boss are you okay," Pepper asked

"yes I am fine goodnight Pepper'' I said

"goodnight Tony'' pepper said

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