chapter 3 johnlock

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Sherlock POV the next day

I am sitting in my chair at 221b Baker Street watching Hamish and Rosie playing with Nathan, John at work right now, but he will be home soon. today is the day I will tell him bout Hamish you see 7 years ago 1 month before the fall John and I had a little fun 2 weeks after I faked my death I found out I was pregnant so I hide my baby for a while because I faked my death for 2 years. my brother Mycroft knows about him, he took care of him for 4years for me because when I came back John was mad because I faked my death but he forgive me, but he married Mary and Rosie was born and after Mary died he blamed me and 2 weeks after that I almost die but he saved me and forgiven me, and my whole sister thing started but we survive it and after that I told Molly I did not love her in that way but she okay with that. and I told John I love him and he said he loved me too so we been dating for two years now but it's was 1 year after Mary death but I never told him about Hamish because I was scared to tell him but today I am ready because my baby is coming home, right now I am going to text my brother Stephen

Hi Stephen-SH

Hey sherlock-SS

Remember what we talked about last night-SH

Yeah you ready to tell John about your guys son you had 6 years ago and not telling him about its-SS

Yes I got all my files that had everything about him and me and how it's possible that I can have a baby-SH

Good and what about the new baby you're going have and are you going ask him to merry you-SS

Yes and yes I am going tell him after he reads everything -SH

good, how Hamish doing -SS

He's good he's playing with Rosie and Nathan right now -SH

Who Nathan I thought you only had one kid -SS

I do, he our brother son -SH

really since when did he had a kid -SS

4 year ago he almost 5 -SH

Who the mother? -SS

Mycroft the mother he have what I have he a carrier -SH

Okay who the father I didn't know he was dating anyone -SS

he been dating him for 6years now they got married 2years ago -SH

What is his name-SS

Detective Inspector Lestrade-SH

No way Lestrade from Scotland Yard-SS

Yes the one and only his first name is Gregory why don't you go ask Mycroft about it he will fill you in from the last 4 years-SH

Okay I Will -SS

Okay I go to go talk to John wish me luck I will tell you how everything wants when I get done, I love you-SH

Okay good luck, I love you too -SS

Okay well here's go nothing deep breath sherlock you can do it i thought to myself

Hi John-SH

Hey babe how are you doing I am almost done with work -JW

I am fine just watching the kids waiting for you to come home-SH

Okay good I will be home soon-JW

Hey John there something I need to tell you I should have told you a long time ago but what I tell you, you promise you'll still love me -SH

Yes I promise what wrong love you are scary me -JW

Remember 7-year ago/1 months before the fall/faked my death-SH

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