Chapter six Clark son Jon meet his mom for the first time since he was born

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Earlier that same day in the morning

Clark/superman POV 7:00 am Thursday

I am just waking up as my alarm clock goes off telling me it's time to get up and get ready for work, as I wake up I turn it off and I turn over to look at my husband side of the bed to see he not there just then I hear Bruce throwing up in the bathroom, I got up and rub the sleep out of my eyes and walks to the bathroom

"Bruce honey are you okay." I asked but all I got was a groan in respond "Bruce baby I am coming in" I said as I walk in the bathroom to see Bruce sitting on the floor with his head over the toilet I walk over to him and I knelt down to rub his back "oh sweetie it's going be okay we been through this before with Martha it's can't be that bad," I said while rubbing his back and kissed him on the forehead

"I know love, I will be fine, but I am really happy because today is the day we go to the doctor and find out that if we are pregnant, I love you, Clark," Bruce said

"I love you too very much Bruce, I am happy too, now I have to go get ready for work," I said as Bruce gets up off the floor with my help of course

"Okay I need to get ready too because I don't want to be late," Bruce said as he washing out the vomit out of his mouth and brushing his teeth

"Bruce you own your own Company, will I need to take a shower," I said as I speed out of the room to get my work suits and back to the bathroom to take a shower

*times skipped to after they got ready for work*

I just finished getting ready for work I put on my glasses, I walk downstairs and to the dining room to see Bruce and the kids sitting at the table eating there breakfast and dick, Jason and Bruce having their coffee "Good morning guys," I said as I sit down at the table with my breakfast and coffee waiting for me on the table

"Good morning," they all said

"Oh by the way Clark Damian just apologized and sorry for what he says last night he was just having a bad day he said," Bruce said

"Good I am glad", I said as I finish eating my breakfast and coffee "well I need to get going to work, goodbye everyone sees you tonight, Bruce I will see you at 3:00 I love you," I said as I kissed Bruce goodbye he kissed back

"Goodbye Clark I love you too," Bruce said "bye," everyone else said

I Walk out of the mansion entrance and look up at the sky "man what a beautiful day," I thoughts to myself as I take off flying to the Daily Planet with it's in Metropolis

*Time skip to Metropolis in the alleyway by Daily Planet*

I landed in the alleyway safe and sound with no one in sight, I put my glasses back on and fixed my Tie, I walk out of the alley to the entrance of the Daily Planet one I walk in I go to the elevator once I got on the elevator I put the button that takes me to the floor that I work on, one I step out of the elevator, I walk to my desk, I don't see Lois yet, so I sit at my desk to start working, I got a text message from Bruce

Hey, Clark, did you get to work okay-BW

Hey honey yes I just got here, I am sitting at my desk-CK

That great news, I just got to my office at Wayne enterprise too-BW

That great to hear babe, I miss you already-CK

I miss you too, I will see you soon-BW

Well I have to get to work and Lois just got here, I love you, see you later-CK

I Love you too, okay see you later-BW

I put my phone back in my pocket, I see Lois just got here and she is sitting in her desk, I got up and walked over to her desk

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