chapter 5 Stephen Strange meets his son for the first time

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This is Jake Watson, John Watson little brother and Caleb boyfriend, he will be in this chapter later

Caleb Stark POV

Everyone logged out of the chatroom that dad created, but I am just waiting for dad to finish up what he was doing,

"Dad what are you doing, are you ready to go Peter waiting for us on the common floor, I said to dad

"I know, I am ready, I just need to get something out of my filing cabinet," dad said while he looking in the filing cabinet

"What do you need from the filing cabinet?" I asked as he pulls something out of the drawer he just opened

"Your birth certificate, aha here it is," dad said as he handed me the file,

"What is this for,"I said as I look at my birth certificate and DNA

"I want you to show it to your father Stephen," dad said "and your baby picture from the day you were born"

"This is so cool dad Thank you, I look so cute as a baby," I said "I am so happy that I get to finally meet my other father I have not seen or met for 20 years," I said to dad, "hey dad what Is this" I said as I pull out a piece of paper from my file

"Oh that's, remember we took your blood work about a few weeks ago," dad asked

"Yes," I said

"Well dr. Banner and I run the same tests everything came back positive you are healthy and blood work is 100%," dad said

"That cool and good that I am healthy," I said.

"Remember when you said you wanted to a kid in the future but you didn't want to adopt," Dad asked me

"Yes, I do," I said

"Well we found something that well makes you happy, you are a carrier just like me and you have 100% chance of having your own kids someday," dad said

"What no way that great news, I can't believe it, I am happy, oh I can't wait to tell Jake, Thank you dad, I love you," I said as I hugged him.

"You're welcome and I love you too" dad said as he hugged me back,

Just then I felt a kick coming from dad stomach that hit me "dad did Morgan just kick me," I asked as i put my hand on his belly

"Yes you did, she wanted to said hello," dad answered as he put his hand on my and Morgan kicked again

"Hi Morgan I'm your big brother Caleb" I said as I talk to dad belly, "when did she start kicking," I asked dad

"Last night, me, Steve, Peter, Sarah and the team were so happy when she first kicked, dad answered

"Wow I am so happy for you dad, I can't wait to meet her in 4 months,"I said

Me too buddy, I can't to meet my princess, dad said "are you ready to go upstairs to the common floor and see the other," dad asked

"Yes I'm ready," I answer as I put my file in my laptop bag and laptop in it's too and put my bags over my shoulder

"Let's go," dad said "hey Jarvis can you close everything up please," dad asked "and tells Steve and the other that we are coming up"

"Yes sir," Jarvis said "he said they are waiting for you" Jarvis said

"Okay Thanks you Jarvis" dad said

Dad and I walk out of his office to see miss Pepper Potts packing up and getting ready to leave

"Hey Pepper how's are you doing," dad and I asked

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