c u t e

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I managed to finally move my body and follow Taehyung into his house. It was...


There was no one home. Only a dog, which greeted me with a small bark and a tail wag. I smiled and crouched down to the small animal, reaching my hand out. It took one small sniff and began to become playful. I giggled at it's actions.
"His name's Yeontan," I heard Taehyung say. I looked and noticed that he sat on the floor. He looked very... innocent. I blushed and nodded, "he's very cute."
"He's obnoxious sometimes," Taehyung tsked, "but he's fun to keep around." He then got up, grabbing his bag and walked up the few steps upstairs. I looked down at Yeontan who sat down patiently, wagging his tail with his little tongue sticking out. I sighed heavily, "pray for me," I said quietly as I got up as well and followed Taehyung upstairs.

Why am I nervous?

Should I be?

He's not that... bad, is he? I wouldn't know, I barely talk to him, I barely know him and I'm scared.
"Yoongi," I heard a voice call. I realized that Taehyung was stand dangerously close to me and I was fiddling with my hoodie sleeve. He snapped me out of my trance.
"I-I'm sorr-y, w-what were y-you saying?" I asked, being a stuttering mess in the process. Taehyung just smiled widely, a rectangular box smile that girls in the school cry over.
He lifted his hand, reaching over and pinching my cheek, "stop being so fucking cute," he whispered. I blushed and hid my face with my hands. Taehyung chuckled, "come in."
I took a small peek from between my fingers.

My heart began to pound out of control than it already was.

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