The questions

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3rd P.O.V

Lance walked down the corridor. He was not paying attention to were he was going for he was trapped in his thoughts. The thoughts he was trapped in were the memories that resided in the castle he calls home. He kept walking till he heard grunting and metal crashing. He walked to the training room to where he saw Keith fighting the bot.

Lance P.O.V

I was watching Keith fight the bot. I was studying his moves. He was moving pretty smooth till the bot caught him off guard and sent him flying to were I was standing.
We layed on the floor for about two seconds before Keith relised that he was laging on top of me.

"Quiznack! Sorry! Lance are you ok?" He asked as he jumped off me. I just looked up at him and smiled.

"I-I'm f-fine. I j-ust noticed you were training and I was watching you trian a-and I saw how the bot took you down." I said as he helped me up.

"Yeah I was just seeing how far I could go while training."

I stared at him as he starts to rub the back of his neck and a faint red growing on his face.

Keith's P.O.V

Lance startes staring at my face like he has seen a ghost. I look at him confused.

"Uh Lance are you ok?"

"I-I'm Fine just why is your face red?" I stare at him for a moment before hiding my face.

"Um, when humans g-get flustered o-our faces turn red..."

"Oh! Thats really cool tell me more!"

Lance and Keith sat there in the training room just talking about there planets costums or old costums (For lance) for the rest of the day.

I'm so sorry this took forever for me to get out. I didnt know what to write but noe its finished! Hope u enjoyed it!

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