Soft lance?

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Keith sat in his room. All occupants of the Castle ship were fast asleep but him. He sat up thinking about the knife that he had in his position. He slowly unwrapped the cloth he had around the handle. And stared at the cymbal. His dad always told him before he died that his mom is from the stars but he never really believed him. He means who would. Earth was such a I see it I'll believe it plant. So he never believed it... until he met Allura, Lance and Coran. They were an alien race. They could change their skin! Like who knew! So he stared at the knife wondering if his mom was actually from space. Or if his dad was really crazy.

Keith broke out of his thoughts by the sound of a knock. He looked at his door and slowly rose from his bed. His bayard was somewhere in the room but he didnt know where it was so he grabbed his knife and held it in his right palm, ready for an attack. Another knock sounded before a whine was heard. Keith slowly walked to the door and pressed the button to open it. He jumped back in surprise when he saw what was on the other side of the door. It was lance! He had a thick altean blanket wrapped around his shoulders. His blue lion bear was tucked under his left arm while a red one was in his right palm. He stared at keith with red rimmed eyes and slowly walked into the room.

"I'm sorry for coming here this late but.... I had a bad dream. And I didnt want to wake Allura because shes has to do alot and I dont want to be a bother so I thought u were a better option. Look I even brought a red lion for you to sleep with and and please." Lance held put the lion to keith. He slowly grabbed the lion, rubbing his hand along the fabric. It was soft, softer than what hes ever felt before. Lance must have felt what he thinking because he laughed.

"The fabric as you humans call it, is meant for altean baby's. We try to make as soft as we can. In Hope's that the baby wont hurt themselves. My mother mad these for me when I was younger, i have all the lions. My mom thought I would appreciate if I had somthing soft to hug when we went to meetings. As u know I was a scaredy cat? Ah yes. My sister got clothing while I got stuffed lions and the softest blankets imagined. But when I lost my mom I threw the lions in my closet. And haven't looked at them since. Well minus blue. Shes my baby you know. And I've had her since is was a baby. But now I wanna give all you guys the lions that you all represent. But I haven't had the time." By now the both of them were laying on Keith's bed. Looking at the lions. Keith was looking at lance when he told the story of his mom and the lions. He stared at the lion with love and care. Slowly lance started to cuddle keith. The both of them slowly fell asleep. Talking about what they used to do with parents.

I know it sucks. I'm not that good. But anyway thanks for reading. Over 2.1k reads thanks so much. Ily all so much<3.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2019 ⏰

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