Come out come out wherever you are~

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Lance layed in his bed. Arm tucked under his head His sister ordered for the paladins to boned with their lions, but lance had already bonded with blue, and didnt see a point in doing any of the training. So here he is holed up in his room, door locked with a dresser in front of it. Lance could hear the castle ships lasers being fired and the grunting and yelling of the paladins through his helmet that lay discarded on a end table next to his bed. Lance knew if his sister found him he would be dead. So he made sure to destroy all the cameras in his room.

Three hours later

Lance had fallen asleep, cuddling the blue plushie in arms and drool falling out the side of his mouth. As he layed in his bed he did not hear the sound of thundering footsteps and loud voices. The footsteps stopped in front of the door and a fist pounded on the door.


Lance jumped with a start and looked at his door. The pounding continued. Lance jumped out of his bed and ran to his closet. He knew that the pounding would only get worse.


Lance ran into his closet and locked the door. He could hear the pounding stop. But the sound of keys clicking started. He knew pidge was on the other side of his door trying to decode his lock. But he wouldn't be able to. Lance slowly started to back further into his closet when the clicking stopped and the sound of a bayard transforming started. He knew he was doomed. He heard his door slice open and the sound of footsteps walk into his room.

"Lance I know your here!" Allura yelled as she checked his bathroom. She knew all his hiding spots.

"Allura dont you think your being a little drastic?" Shiro asked. You could hear his metal arm shift. :he crossed his arms:.

"No, Lance should have been outside with you all during the training but yet he hid in here." She said calmly as she looked under the bed.

"Well I dont see him here and I feel like this is an invasion of privacy..." hunk stated as he slowly looked around the room.

"Hes here let me just check one more room." Allura walked over to a flat wall and placed her hand on it. The wall began to glow a soft blue before it turned red. "I knew it." She exclaimed.

She slowly turned around and looked at keith. He was cleaning his blade in the corner of the room. He looked up and saw allura smiling at him.

"Keith could you please cut this wall please." Allura said in a sickly sweet voice.

Keith nodded his head and walked to the wall. He brought his left arm up, and slashed the door off. The door slowly fell apart, and the team could see the inside. The room was full of old stuffed animals and blankets, but also the princes clothes. The team stopped looking around when allura walked into the room. She squated down in front of a elephant looking bear and smiled evily.


A scream followed filling the entire ship.
The sound of sobbing was heard after.

Omg this has over 1k reads.... it's not even that good!?!?! Thank you guys so much!!!!!!!!!

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