Chapter 1 | Sold Away

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I held my breath, feigning anxiety with shaking fists. My eyes darted around the shadowed room of collected dust and rotted wood. Faded memories of another circus echo through the room, long forgotten by time. The walls cling to their old striped patterns of red and white but as time went on, the paint is smudged with dirt and blurs the colors together in long streaks.

Rikiar studies my expression skeptically before rubbing his black goatee, lost to his own thoughts. The dull sunlight glazes over his dark and narrow eyes and shadows over frown lines formed around his mouth. He is dressed finely wearing an ivory white suit and blood red bow tie showing off his position to the world. It's quite convenient when people of high stature dress nicely. It makes for an easy target.

However, this isn't why I'm here today. I have another goal in mind. A brilliant plan in which I created myself. I was surprised when Luca agreed to it, I was sure he'd rebuke me and dismiss the plan entirely. But he agreed to follow through. He must know this is a great plan.

"Quite a fine, young gentleman, is he not?" Luca asks in a lowered voice. He brushes a loose strand of his unnatural brown hair back behind his ear before sharing a hopeful look with Rikiar. Luca's clothes create the illusion of upper middle class with a clean long coat and top hat. Luca fits naturally with this class and is able to play the part well. Though I have to admit, his wig is off-putting every time I look at him.

"Indeed... however, we do not accept performers based on looks alone," Rikiar answers boredly. "If you hope to sell this boy to our company, you should at least try to present him as a performer." Rikiar's voice drags out with heavy mocking. In other words, he isn't convinced.

I tense my body showing obvious nervousness.

"S-Sir, if I may, I would like to show you the talent I have," I address him carefully, as if I had memorized the sentence. After all, what kind of shy actor would I be if I didn't act nervous as hell?

"Ah, yes of course," Luca nods quickly, agreeing with my statement. "Allow him to perform his talent for you."

Rikiar sighs, crossing his arms over his small chest. "Very well," he flicks his hand at me, "if you must."

I gulp loudly before turning my back to Rikiar to face Luca. I flash Luca a smug smile before walking past him to the short wooden stool we brought. Luca quickly scurries to the other end of the room before dragging out a large tub of water which splashes heavily on his feet. Rikiar stands in silence with obvious disinterest. But not for much longer.

I rub my glossy hands together as I set the stool in front of the pool. Luca drags the tub in front of the water before reaching into his coat pocket. He pulls out a single match before turning to Rikiar with a calm expression. I shed my heavy jacket revealing an ironed dress shirt and my loose fitting pants. I roll up my sleeves hoping the glossy appearance of my arms equals as sweat in Rikiar's eyes.

"Do not be alarmed," Luca warns carefully.

The circus recruiter only sniffs.

Luca turns to me with a fairly nervous expression. I brace myself before shaking my arms out making sure I'm ready. I have been practicing for weeks for this simple act. But this simple act will mean more than anyone could ever know. I grab the edges of the round stool before pulling my legs up into the air in a full handstand. I adjust my legs to be bent in perfect angles above my head before remaining there, still as a statue.

"We already have plenty of acrobats," Rikiar replies boredly. "This is a waste of my time," he scoffs beginning to turn away.

"Wait," Luca urges before striking the match to light it.

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