Chapter 6 | The Voices

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I sit on the ground with my suitcase laying against my leg. My head dully aches as my eyelids grow heavy with every passing second. I draw in a slow breath as I examine my new quarters. I rub the side of my head as I lean back against a small bed beginning to regret my decision to come here for my masterful con. If only I had realized the consequences of leaving my safe home and taken into account my limits of an actor, I wouldn't have agreed to remain here for so long.

The tent is fairly small containing a small bed, a nightstand, a trunk for other belongings, and a small vanity table which includes a mirror. It is plainer than I had thought with simple white tarps and bedsheets. It would seem they do not care where the performers sleep, all that matters is their performance.

After a long day of acting and playing pretend, I finally let my mask fall to ashes at my feet allowing myself to become my normal self. A tension loosens inside my stomach allowing me to breathe freely for the first time in two days.

"This place isn't as impressive as I believed it to be," I mumble to myself, closing my eyes tightly to block out the light of the lantern. The pressure in my head builds to painful measures causing me to regret this trip. "It would appear they care for the acts rather than the performers." The dull ache continues as I wish I brought Luca's extra medicine meant for such headaches. I reach for the flickering lantern, turning its knob to dim the lights.

I begin to see painful spots dance across my eyes. I drag myself to my feet before laying face-down on the bed wishing away all my problems. I rest my warm face on my stinging arms which only confirms I did not cover myself with enough gel to become completely fireproof.

I do not have the energy to get up again, at least not until my headache subsides. I quiet my thoughts for a moment, remaining in the silence of the tent and listen to the beating wind outside. The wind began to blow during the last leg of Charlotte's tour, frosting the air with bitter cold. Not long after, Charlotte was called back to the main tent for an afternoon practice. She left me near my new tent to be settled and promised to return to lead me to dinner.

However, I am not looking forward to it. For I am neither sociable nor hungry.

Intense acts such as this one require energy, mine of which is entirely spent from traveling and be constantly on guard around Rikiar. The second impromptu audition also left me drained and mildly confused. Luca was always the one who reminded me to relax and unravel whenever it was possible, but without him here, I haven't taken care of myself as I should.

"But Luca wasn't able to come with," I murmur to myself through the oddly scented pillow. "It would be too suspicious, and he isn't an actor."

Luca, I will admit, has his strengths. He is quick-witted, analytical, and well-resourced. He usually transforms my plans into detailed ones and handles behind-the-scene components. However, I pity Luca for being reserved in his own head. For my mind is greater than his only because I am vocal of my brilliant ideas. I found our act rather ironic for I am usually the master and he is the servant.

In the end, he is simply doing my will for his benefit.

For a moment, I doubt my own brilliant plan. Only for a moment. I quickly remind myself my plan is flawless and completely foolproof. It will work perfectly since I am the one who came up with it.

I will remain here for a month, perform, and earn a handsome paycheck. When my time is up, I will leave the circus taking my paycheck, a few circus valuables to sell, and a pocket full of secrets I know other circuses beg to have. The Fallen Circus has no clue I am using them for my own benefit, soon they will know the strike of Enzo. It is quite pitiful to see such a large organization brought down by a young man. Although I am the greatest con artist alive, none could ever match my talent.

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