Chapter 1- Dookie?

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I sighed. I was in the middle of packing all my things to move to Florida. The last box was my video games and consoles. I turned my 3DS off and grabbed my laptop. I signed in to YouTube and decided to watch Attack on Titan Abridged again. So hilarious, I thought. But my mind could not focus on what I was watching. I started to think about the move.

I'm moving from Arizona to Florida.... this is my last day in my apartment. A new beginning, after being in Phoenix for 24 years... finally I can escape everything. It's exciting, but all the more frightening.

I was brought back to reality when I got a text. I pulled it up. It was from my friend Hannah. I smiled.

'Hey Rae! Psyched for the move? I can't wait to see you, it's been a year since I've visited home. XD'

I responded immediately, replying, 'Well DUH I'm excited! Now we can watch anime and hang out and play video games together.... in person. But... Idk...'

'Well, what's wrong?'

'What if I don't fit in? I won't have a job either, I need to find one when I get there. And what about the neighbors? What if they hate me?'

'C'mon... let's be honest, you've never fit in anyway. Worst comes to worst you can stay with me! :)'

I chuckled. She knows just what to say sometimes. One of the reasons I trust her so much. But... I can't burden her. I'll manage somehow.

'THANKS. Lol I gotta finish packing, I'll txt u when I'm at the airport to go on the plane :P'

'K! :)'

I locked my phone and started to pack up my clothing in my red suitcases.


I got all my registration and schtuff checked out, and I'm ready for the fight. But it's not for another hour until I can board, so I figured I could stop by the food court or something. After checking the time, I walked briskly, my wheeled suitcase and bag rolling behind me. I shrugged my red bag higher on my shoulder. Suddenly, I suddenly banged into something hard. Was it...someone's chest? I felt a hand stop my head from hitting the ground, and another supporting my back. My grayish eyes were met with deep, brown, serious ones.

"A-are you okay...?" The man whispered.

I nodded slowly, and he helped me up.

"Ariga To!" I quickly said as I looked at my maroon shoes, afraid my face was the same shade as them.

"What're you, JapanESE?" He responded like a smart allac. I blushed deeper, not meeting his gaze.

"S-sorry. No, I'm-I'm not. I... Well it's a habit." I apologised again.

"NERD!" He laughed.

I looked at him, slightly hurt. "N-no... it was a joke. I'm a nerdy guy too." He chuckled nervously.

I nodded, and looked back down.

He tilted my face up gently to meet his gaze. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I think so." I replied, my face crimson.

"Good. Let m--"

"Aey! Dookie! Dude where were you?" A voice called as a raven-haired male approached us. He stopped and looked at me curiously. "Who's the chick?" He asked.

"I-I'm... Rachel. N-Nice to meet you." I said as I bowed my head. Why... am I so shy today? I'm never like this. I always stood out in the crowd. Probably the move makin me nervous...

Than I turned back to the brown-haired one. "You're name.... it's really D-Dookie? Wha...?"

By Chance? (A Dookieshed Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora