Chapter 3- Demeaning

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~Nate's POV~

When Hunter and I sat down next to each other on the plane, I immediately turned to him. "Hey man?" I asked, trying to get his attention.

"Oh-uh... Yeah?" He replied as he came back to Earth from planet Dookie.

"So... a... you like that chick?" I asked, as if I didn't already know.

"Dude, don't call her a chick, it's demeaning." He pointed out, clearly avoiding the question.

"You. Didn't. Answer. My. Question." I said playfully.

Hunter blushed. "W-what was the question again?"

"I KNEW IT!! You LIKE her man! Your avoiding the topic AND not speaking clearly!"

"N-no, Nate. I just met her. And it was in a really awkward way. I mean, she banged into my chest for Christ's sake." Hunter defended himself. My response was my "famous" half-smile half-smirk. "Okay then, Dook. Whatever you say."

"H-Hey!" His face turned as red as Rachel's jacket. I laughed. It's fun to watch Dookie make a fool outta himself.

I then changed the topic to ORAS, as Dookie was starting to get mad at me.

~Rachel's POV~

On the plane, I took out my LoZ 3DS XL and played some Pokemon Y. I was nuzlocking it, and I was up to the third gym. I sent out my Frogadier named ScarfGuy. What? I'm not that good with names.

My mind wandered to earlier, though. Why do they want me to meet them after the flight? I guess to keep in touch or something, I dunno...

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