Chapter 2- MERGA MERN!!!!

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(Still Rachel's POV lol)

'Dookie' rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Well, no. It's my nickname. My real name is Hunter. Hehheh."

"O-oh. Okaaaay then." I replied, thoroughly confused.

"It's because of his YouTube channel, Dookieshed." The other explained. "I'm Nate, or NateWantsToBattle."

I smiled. I've heard of Nate before, from Hannah. But Dookie.... it rings a bell. I don't quite remember though. Hm...

"So, if you don't mind me asking, why are you in the airport?" Hunter asked, as we sat down at one of the tables in the food court.

"Oh. I'm moving to Florida today. St. Petersburg is the town, I think..." I replied.

"No way! I live in St. Petersburg! So I'm guessing you're on the flight TO St. Petersburg?"

"Y-yeah. You guys?" They both nodded, and I smiled. I think I just made two new friends.

"So, you like Mega Man?" Nate asked, seeming to be hinting at something.

I looked down at my Mega Man tee shirt, partially covered by a crimson red jacket. I nodded. Even though I'm a die-hard Nintendo fan, Mega Man is just amazing. XD

"I'm a big gamer... mostly console or handheld tho. Nintendo is LYFE!" I responded, a little pumped to be talking about my favorite things lol. I. Have. No. Life. \_(^-^)_/ sue me.

"ERMAAHGERRRD YAAAS! Dookie dis chick GETS IT!" Nate yelled as he high-fived me. Dookie chuckled. I wonder why he was so quiet. He reminds me of me earlier except way less blushing wow.

We spent the rest of the time talking until we needed to head to the plane.

"Rachel?" Nate asked as we walked to the boarding area.

"Huh?" I replied.

"Meet us by the food court in the airport later on. Kay?"

"Ok!" I said cheerfully. "Bai!" I spoke over my shoulder as I walked away for now.

Too bad we didn't sit close together... we were really far apart. Curse my luck!

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