Silence Can Be Deafening

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As I lay in my double bed all of my worries drifted away, it was just me and my music, ‘I swear that we can make it anywhere’ by Hedley was filling the silence with blissful noise.

I don’t like silence, silence is ominous and ominous is scary and scary makes me panic.

The tall lamp in the corner of my bedroom illuminated the, yellow walled, room with a cozy glow, adding an extra shadow to all my posters and furniture.

“Dad can I decorate my room?”

“Sure, your room will be decorated when those godforsaken posters come down” he said sarcastically already knowing my reply, due to the amount of times we have had this conversation

“Well it looks like we’re both going to be waiting a while” I stated with a huff, I always repeat this little conversation in my head, telling my posters how much I’ve sacrificed for them.

Its funny how your mind replays different conversations you have had or are yearning to have when you least expect it to. Or how the memories arise from the depths of our subconscious when specific songs, lyrics or melodies are played

The over-flowing bookshelves were calling to me, I never really clean up or tidy but I am very OCD when it comes to my bookshelves, wardrobe, jewelry box or anything in my room, especially stationary and school supplies. I’m kind of a nerd like that; actually I’m a nerd anyway. With the conventional thick-framed glasses that take over half your face, but they seem to be cool now so I guess I lose nerdy point for that, braces and a love for literature! My long black hair is usually out and covering my face no matter how many times I move it.

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