Chapter 7: Space

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The Astro4 broke through the atmosphere of Earth and jetted past a half-lit moon. Unfortunately, the Ranger Academy explosion took a toll on the ship as well, crippling the hyperdrive. It would take them at least four hours to get to Saturn with their current travel capabilities.

Carter and Ethan closely examined the tracking algorithm from the bridge of the ship. Axis didn't seem to be moving. Perhaps the Rangers weren't the only ones dealing with mechanical issues. But for now, they had him right where they wanted him.

Once Earth vanished into the backdrop, Taylor pulled back a lever on the front console, activating the auto-pilot.

Jason timidly approached her. "Um... Taylor?"

Taylor didn't turn around in her chair. "What do you want, kid?"

"To work for it. I was hoping you could help me train a little."

Taylor thought about it for a second before turning to face him. "Can you take a hit?"

"I've taken a few already. I'm still here."

"...Fine." Taylor stood up. "Let's see what you're made of."

Taylor and Jason walked over to the Astro4's training room all the way down the hall from the bridge; a white space with horizontal and vertical black lines draped over the entire area. The lines powered the virtual reality simulations. One could practice hitting targets, run combat training with cybernetic opponents, create virtual environments of any known planet or location, and even increase the gravitational pull inside the room to make the workout harder. But for now, the pair focused on combat basics.

Jason hopped around excitedly. "Alright, when do we star—"

Taylor punched him in the stomach. "Life or death missions don't have opening bells, kid."

Jason reeled back from the hit, but gathered himself and got into a fighting stance.

Taylor motioned him to stop and then pointed at his feet. "Too close together. Shoulder width apart."

"Huh? Oh, I got it." Jason widened his stance.

"Knees. More bent."

"Okay." He bent his knees a little more.

"Right arm raised."

He raised his right arm in front of his face. "And left arm?"

"Keep it to your side. Now, hit me."

"Hit you? Okay, but what speed are we going here?"

"Whatever speed you need to hit me."

Jason launched a right jab, but Taylor batted it away. He threw a left hook, but Taylor slapped that away. He tried a series of kicks, but Taylor avoided them all, grabbed his leg, and spun him to the ground.

"Not good enough," said Taylor.

Jason jumped right back to his feet. He looked down at his legs and recreated his stance. He launched the same series of attacks on Taylor. Right jab, batted. Left hook, swatted. Kicks, missed. His leg, caught once again before she tossed him back to the ground.

Taylor shook her head. "Try again."

Jason returned to his feet. "I will."

His stance looked a little cleaner this time. He got back into it more naturally without having to look down at his feet as much. He launched the same series of attacks, and once more, achieved the same result; tossed back down on the hard, cold floor. He tried to catch his breath while he pushed himself back up.

Taylor looked bored and somewhat disappointed. "Quitting already?"

Jason got back up while a little short on breath. "Not today... Not ever."

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