Chapter 17: Teams

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A collective relief swept through the Astro4 bridge as the dismantled ariel forces of the Resistance flew further into the blackness of space.

Ethan wiped a bead of sweat from his face and turned to Jason. "Jason, you are certifiably insane. You know that, right?"

Jason smirked. "Says the guy using old movie tactics in an active war zone. Heh, but normal is way overrated anyways." His relief ran dry as his mind cleared. He started to look around the ship; his heartbeat quickening.

"Don't worry," Carter replied. "Kendrix is recovering just fine. In fact..."

Carter turned around as Kendrix entered the bridge fully patched up and looking just as radiant as ever.

Jason's eyes lit up as he ran up to hug her without a second thought. "You're okay."

Kendrix' eyes widened, caught off guard slightly by the sudden reaction before tightly embracing him back. "Thanks to you."

"Wasn't all me. And to think, you said you weren't a fighter before you joined the team."

"Well, I had something to fight for." Kendrix smiled brightly.

Jason breathed out in relief before looking towards everyone else. "Oh yeah, and sorry for making you guys worry about me, again. Hopefully, it doesn't become too bad of a habit."

"In any case, it's great to have you back, my son," said Diane.

"You too, mother," Jason replied with a smile.

From the pilot's seat, Taylor rolled her eyes and shook her head.

Diane's gaze then turned to the injured, floor-ridden Axis. "Now, what to do with this one? Execution might be a decent start."

"No," Jason quickly replied. "Axis agreed to be used as an informant as a condition of his surrender."

"An informant? His ground troops are falling before us and his Resistance fleet has now turned tail. Of what value is his information to us now?"

"Mother, Axis isn't our biggest problem. Turns out, he's got an older brother: Admiral Axl."

"He... speaks the truth," added Axis. "When he discovers my failure here, he'll seek me out, and likely... end me... And then, he'll end your planet. Not that I need remind you of his terror, 'My Queen,' hehehe."

Diane took a step back while a nervous shiver crawling inside her skin. She could feel the scars on her neck pulsating as flashes of her past started to take hold of her mind.

Jason looked upon her worriedly while he thought through his own memories. He couldn't recall his mother ever bringing up anyone by the name of Admiral Axl before, and yet, the shock in her eyes; a palpable reaction the likes of which he had never seen before.

"That's insane!" remarked Ethan.

"Why would your own brother do something like that?" added Kendrix.

"My brother, heh... always so great..." started Axis. "He was given everything, including size, fighting talent, and raw strength... natural skills lost on my end. He was more than my brother, however. He was also my biggest physical abuser... I thought I hated him for it, but it taught me important lessons about struggle, weakness, and perseverance. He always had power gifted to him, but I worked to the bone to obtain mine and I won't let him get the better of me this time."

"Thrilling, truly," Diane replied. "We can discuss the rest of your story, and more importantly, your punishment, behind the doors of a cozy little cell. No leaky pipes, I'm afraid."

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