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"So, what do you think boss?" a deep voice said from the shadows.

"It's an excellent idea," another voice said.

"Yes, I agree. You just need to make sure that no one ever hears about our plan," a very demanding voice replied. "Kill everyone who wants to stop us."

"Of course," the person with the deep voice said.

"We'll make sure of it," the second person assured.

"You will, or else I'll have you killed as well," the demanding person threatened.

The other two people bowed low and exited the room. The person who was left smiled mischievously. "This would make it easy to take revenge. I've waited a long, long time for this."

But the three people didn't know that some wizards did hear half of their plan, and that would be Wendy and Lucy. They quickly headed back to their guild mates, who were eating nearby, to tell them about their plan.

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