Chapter Seven

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"Let's go! We have to warn Lamia Scale!" Luna exclaimed.

"I'll do that. You guys warn the other guilds!" Natsu said.

"I'll go with you Natsu!" Nina said.

"Don't worry, I got this," Natsu said with a smirk on his face.

"Fine... Be careful ok?" Nina said while running with Luna and Aimi to Blue Pegasus.

"We have to make it quick so that they could fight back!" Daref said. "I'll go to Mermaid Heel so I can warn them too!" She ran to the direction of the Mermaid Heel guild hall.

"I kind of...Don't want to go to Blue Pegasus..." Nina said, walking back.

"What?!" Aimi nearly exploded. "We have to! If its because of creepy Ichiya then don't mind it! It's a life or death situation here!"

"It's ok Aimi," Luna told her. "You can go to Sabertooth, Nina."

Nina smiled at her gratefully. "Thanks Luna!" Then she quickly ran towards the Sabertooth guild hall.

Luna and Aimi continued heading to Blue Pegasus.

"Men~!" Ichiya said, "welcoming" Luna and Aimi. "You have a wonderful parfum like always, Luna," Ichiya said sniffing her. She leaned back slightly but kept her posture. Her childhood friend Yuki once said that she always smelled like sweet nectar.

"What can we do for you Luna?" Ren asked.

"Grimoire Tail's dropping explosives on every guild and town in Fiore. You need to be careful and block or destroy those explosives before they can hit you," Luna said. "My other guild mates are already warning the other guilds so they already know about it. Be careful, the explosives make you forget about magic." The 3 guys nodded.

Meanwhile, Natsu went to Lamia Scale...

"Sup Lyon," Natsu said.

"Natsu? What are you doing here?" Lyon replied. Natsu then explained everything. Daref and Nina did the same to Mermaid Heel and Sabertooth and soon, they all headed back to their guild.


In Fairy Tail:
"Gramps! How is everyone?" Natsu asked.

"They still don't seem to remember," Winterfrost replied with a frown.

Natsu went close to Lucy. "Lucy! You gotta snap out of it!" Natsu said, holding Lucy's head up.

"Hey Natsu" said Lucy, barely opening her eyes. Natsu grabbed her keys and said,"Lucy! Do you still remember these keys? They're our friends! Remember?"

"Huh?" Lucy said in confusion. "Magic is witchcraft!! It's bad! Why do you have magic Natsu?!" Lucy crawled away from him.

"Ugh!! That bastard who did this to Lucy!! He will pay!" Natsu said, setting himself on fire.

"Natsu!" Nina said, going inside the guildhall with Luna.

"Is everything ok?" Luna asked. Winterfrost shook her head and sighed.

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