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Pain. There's tons of ways to describe pain. There's tons of ways to define pain. But what is pain, what is physical pain. Why does some hits hurt more then others, why does our nerves constantly tell our brain about the pain we feel in our body. Why? Why would we have a system like that. It only makes us weaker, you might think it's something we feel to make us more than just machines. But we're nothing more than selfish animals sometimes. Because of pain. Mental pain, is almost the same. Everyone's afraid of pain. Everyone's biggest fear is something they fear so much because they are sure it will end up painful, physical or mental. It doesn't matter both hurts. But why are we so afraid of pain? We already feel small bits of it constantly. Is it because it's something we don't understand. Why would anyone be punished to feel something so terrible as pain. But is pain a punishment? Or is that just something we told ourselves. Is the fact that pain is a horrible thing that bad people deserve something we just told our selves. Cause we want an as comfortable life as possible. Some people don't even wanna face something scary ever. They don't wanna face the truth. But some of us our curios, some of us want to understand. Why everything is the way it is? Why do we feel pain? What is its purpose? Maybe those cheesy word I read last day are true. " you can never be truly happy without have felt true pain ". Maybe life was never supposed to be easy and comfortable. Maybe we're just hurting ourselves and creating more pain by ignoring it. Cause if you never felt pain it's like you never felt anything. How could you feel happy, how could you know what feeling good actually is like if you never felt bad. Maybe we should embrace the pain, stop trying to avoid it. Work together with it, accept it, try to understand it. Live with it and learn from it. Cause who wanna live a comfortable life with no problems, no arguments, no pain? It might sound like a dream but it can't be. It can't be amazing living the same never facing anything different, just feeling the same. I wanna experience. I wanna except my pain and learn from it. I wanna know what pain is.

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