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I watched myself in the mirror. I wondered if i looked close enough I might se my self falling a part behind my eyes. But how could I fall apart inside when I felt like I didn't have an inside. I felt so empty. Like somehow all my feelings had just escaped and left with her. They were gone, gone forever just like her. I scoffed. I fler like the one hurting, but I was the one that had been spared. I was the one still alive, a whole life left to live. But what was the meaning with a life without her. I but my hands around my head, and tried put myself together. But there was nothing left of me. Just this empty whole of hopelessness. If I could just get to talk to her one last time. Just hear her voice, see her smile and feel her warm body in a hug. Maybe if I could get that I would be able to say goodbye. To let go of her. Even though it felt impossible, cause I kept telling myself she was okay. That she was here. That she was alive. But she wasn't. She was dead. Stone dead. She was a memory. She was a past, I wished with my whole soul for her to be a future instead. But I knew it was impossible. This is it. This is the one thing I can never recover from. I will forever be broken. Running around in this world looking for my last piece, but she had already moved on, maybe to another life or another world. I would forever be broken, cause I had lost her. I had lost my last piece.

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