2. Trying to Survive

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TheRPGMinx's POV

Two weeks later

'Krism!' I yelled. 'KRISM!' I was struggling to hold the back door closed and they were getting in. Krism ran into the room holding supplies.

'Alright, alright. I'm coming'. She pressed her hands against the back door, then looked at the front. It was clear. 'On three, run, okay?' I nodded. '1...2...GO!' I let go of the back door and followed Krism out into the hallway. I ignored the growling as we sprinted down the apartment complex stairs, taking any wondering zombies on the stairs by surprise. Krism scrunched up her eyes when I had to use a hatchet to get past one.

We were finally out into the open, closely followed by a pack.

'Get into the car!'

'I am!' I screamed, scrambling in and closing the door. The pack started to mob us, and Krism was still fiddling with the boot. 'GET IN!'

I heard the boot slamming and then what I never hoped to hear. A horrible scream. Immediately I jumped out of the car, armed with a hatchet, but I couldn't see Krism anywhere. I had no choice but to get back into the car.

'I'M SORRY!' I yelled, starting the engine, tears flowing down my cheeks. As I drove away, I distinctly heard a faint, 'it's okay, Minx'.

'Argh!' when I woke up, Lizzie was sat beside me. Tears were rolling down my cheeks and I was sweating all over. I bent over and rubbed my hands through my hair in anger. I've had this dream before. Lizzie knows.

'Minx...forget it. Move on'. This sounded like something to make me angry, but if she'd said something like, 'I'm sorry', then I would've cried even more. I nodded, blowing my nose. Krism would want me to be happy.

Joel entered the room, holding a mug of tea.

'Here'. Lizzie was the comforter, he was the caffeine-bringer. As I set the mug down on the table beside me, Lizzie enveloped me in a big hug. I hugged back. She reminded me of Krism in so many ways, quiet but humorous, shy but silly, forgiving but fair. I let go to sip my tea, and Lizzie asked her boyfriend about the food situation.

'Two bottles of fresh water, one big bottle from the tap, seven cans of soup and two cans of beans'.

'We can last a while longer. Does your phone work here, Minx?' I doubted it but checked anyway. I was the only one who'd bought a mobile.

'No, I- wait!' A single bar flickered up in the corner. I quickly dialled the first person in my contacts, who just happened to be Yamimash.


'Yami, thank god, where the hell are you? I haven't talked to you for months!'

'We're in Crawley, a town a bit away from London. I was staying here with my girlfriend before this even started'.

'That's near Horsham, right?'

'Yes... How much food have you got left?'

'Nine cans. Come over, we need new faces. The Fox inn, it's just to your left as you enter'.

'Thanks so much'. In the background I heard him say, 'come on Jess, we're moving out'.


Writer's note:

Yes, I really did just kill off Krism. And yes, now I feel dreadful. I'm going to go cry for a bit.

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