11. We Are The Experiment

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TheSyndicateProject's POV

A week after the beginning

They'd bruised me up pretty bad when I'd refused to get in the truck, but I was conscious just enough to hear what was going on at the table.

'Welcome to FTF. I hate to tell you all this, but you're going to be our guinea pigs for this week' the little man at the head of the table announced, grinning like crazy.

'What? This is bullshit' a man slightly younger than me shouted, and I heard the scraping of chair legs. 'I'm going to go find my girlfriend'. Then there was a gunshot and I heard the crumple of a body hitting the floor. A gasp arose all around us.

'You cannot escape' the man muttered, twisting a pistol in his hand. 'Think of it as...saving your world. By experimenting on you, we may solve this apocalypse'.

'We'd rather die!' someone shouted, perhaps hoping they'd get the same treatment as the first guy, but I could tell the little man had no intention of shooting anyone else. He'd already lost one test subject, and I figured it was just to scare us.

'Silence!' the little man snapped. 'Guards, escort them to chamber one'.

The guards nodded and once again I felt myself being heaved up onto Dan's shoulders. I felt like a burden- the poor kid had enough to worry about, but I grew unconscious to the fact as I felt myself slipping away once again.

~~~magical tardis time skip to an hour later~~~

When I awoke I was in a room resembling to the likes of a prison cell, with a caged door and barred windows. I was on the only bed, and Dan was sitting on the floor with his knees under his chin leaning on my bedpost. I coughed and he shot up and hurried over.

'Are you alright? They didn't give me any bandages so I had to make do...' he trailed off pointing to his ripped shirt.

'Thanks. I'm just...just tired. Very tired'. He nodded and sat back down on the floor with a sad frown on his face.

'There was a guy...who helped me carry you in' he whispered, barely audible. 'Jace. He was in our cell for like...an hour...then they took him. Well, they wanted me but he let them take him' he paused, sniffling slightly. 'He didn't resist. They dragged him down the hallway and into a room and then I heard these screams, horrid screams...' Dan trailed off and I could hear muffled sobs.

'It must've been horrible' I sighed, feeling pity for the kid. That guy must've felt like his saviour.

'And then I wondered...' Dan stopped trying to hide his sobs and they came out choked. 'What if they're doing the exact same to Jemma?' His wife. I put a shaky hand on his shoulder.

'Dan...I'm sorry'. Just as he was about to stop crying a guard unlocked the door to our cell.

'Subject number two' he pointed at Dan. 'Him'.

'No...no, please!' Dan yelled, giving me a desperate look as the guard cornered him and he crawled into the foetus position.

'Please stop! Take me, not him!' I shouted, trying to sit up but being forced back down with unbearable pain.

'You are not compatible' the guard responded. 'You are weak. We need the boy'. Dan couldn't hide any longer and was grabbed from the corner of the room and forced forward.

'Tom!' He yelled. I felt helpless.

'DAN!' I cried, once again trying to get up and intervene but it was no good. The guard was already locking the door. He reached out to me as he was tugged along, but I couldn't do anything. Not even kick the guard in the shins or just something to slow him down. I was helpless for the first time ever. From the bed I heard the opening and shutting of a door.

Then came the screams. Dan was right, they were horrible, unbearable even. I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping I would die in my sleep. I couldn't bear to listen anymore.

~~~magical tardis time skip to four hours later~~~

I hadn't died but I'd certainly slept for longer. All I thought about was Dan's terrified face as I lay awake with my eyes closed.

'T...Tom?' I heard a whisper as I opened my eyes.

'Dan!' My face lit up as I saw him, alive, huddled in the corner of the room. But he didn't look as happy as someone who had been let out of testing.

'I'm sorry' a tear fell down his cheek as he lifted up his trouser leg.

A bright red gash with horrible teeth marks was situated on his ankle. My mouth dropped.

'Dan...what did they do to you?' I asked, sitting up and beckoning him to come over. He shrank back.

'You're not angry? Or...or scared?' I looked at him strangely.

'Come on, it's not like you're gonna turn any second. It's not your fault, Dan'. I was angry, but not at him. At the 'scientists' that did this to him. He stood up shakily, wincing when he put weight on his ankle. If I hadn't been so angry at the scientists I would've noticed I felt a lot better. My head was still pounding but it was kind of just like a rough headache. Dan, however, looked a little worse for wear. His already pale skin had become paler, and his face was a sickly faint green.

'It hurts, Tom...' He muttered as I put my arm around his shoulder.

'Uh, I know, I'm sorry, but...'

'No. Not that. Gemma. It hurts when I think about her. I'm gonna die and I'm never gonna see her again'.

I had no words. I had no comforting phrase to make him laugh, I couldn't say anything. We just sat in silence.


Please give me a virtual round of applause, longest chapter yet! *Dem feels*.

Will try to publish more regularly! Thanks for all the reads :)

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