35 ~ Breach

335 16 1

Seananners' POV

One thing I hadn't forgotten was how terrified I felt when the gun was put to my head on the stage. A public execution. I remembered thinking that I'd never find Cathy, she'd never see me again. Everything was coming back to me now, everything and everyone. Her smile, her laughter...

Ohm had ruined it for me. He'd turned on us, pure evil. Something had modified our brains to forget, but I don't think I'd ever forget something as awful as that. I made a mental note to ask him about it later.

'Hey, Adam' Minx snapped her fingers in front of my face. 'You alright?'

'Yeah...' I stared at the sight before me, a room filled with pain and sadness. Somewhere amongst them was a dying Tom, and from the sound of Sonja's sobbing pleas to no-one something awful had happened to Tucker.

'Tom'll be fine, don't you worry' Minx smiled sadly. 'Marzia's doing her best. You worry about yourself, that's what you should be doing'.

'Thanks, Minxy'.

'No problem' Minx smiled as she went over to help Chilled who was clutching an ice bag to his head.

I looked over to the other side of the room where Ohm and Ze appeared to be in conversation. Ze was sat with his back against the wall and Ohm had walked over to join him. I silently moved to sit next to them.

'It's strange, I- Oh, hey Adam' Ohm laughed nervously as I raised an eyebrow.

'We need to talk.' Ohm looked at Ze. 'In private'.

'That's fine' Ze smiled, obviously oblivious. 'I'll see who I can help'.

'Thanks Ze.' Ohm watched Ze walk over to the other side of the room with a look of guilt on his face. 'Now what can I do for you, Adam?'

'I know what you did, Ohm.' Ohm widened his eyes and coughed.

'You...You what?' He backed off into the corner of the room, probably expecting me to hurt him. Instead, I looked straight into his eyes and said,

'Tell me everything'.


By the end of it Ohm was sobbing and rocking back and forth in the corner.

'I didn't mean it, I swear! It's like someone was controlling me, I was forced to watch myself do horrible things...'

'Hey. I believe you. I've told Chilled and he told Ze. Ze knows the scars'll heal.' The memories probably wouldn't, but it looked like he couldn't remember a thing.

'Thank you, Adam.' Ohm wiped a shaky hand over his eyes and blinked sadly.

'I'll...see if I can help. You're okay, right?' He nodded and stared down at the floor. I took one last glance back at him before heading into the crowd.

Went to heaven? I had a hard time believing it was true, but with all the stuff going down at the moment anything could be possible. I passed Sonja being comforted by Aurey and Jemma.

'He's in a better place now, Son.' Aurey was also fighting to keep back tears.

'He turned! He turned into one of those things! He can be turned back right, there's got to be another way...'

'Oh god, Sonja. He shot himself to save her' Chilled had joined me, a bandage wrapped around his left eye. He folded his arms and shook his head. 'We've got to stop this, Adam'.

'I know. Did anyone else...'


'We've got to go' he said, starting for the door.

'Woah, not you.' He stopped. Every uninjured person was flooding around us towards the south wall. 'You won't be able to see the damn things with that eyepatch'.

'I can't stay here!' He yelled.

'Help the injured, help Tom. He's on his way out. Jordan needs you too, and Sean. Everyone needs you. You're more useful back here than out there, okay?' Chilled hesitated before nodding and chucking me a handgun.

'Get out there and do me proud, okay? Oh, and get your ass back here in one piece, you understand me?' I grinned and nodded.

'See you later. Definitely.'


Minx and Krism were running along side me, hand in hand holding two guns. Ohm and Ze were up ahead holding various pieces of barricade, Mark and Yami were on the roof with sniper rifles, Zoe and Joe holding knives and Pewds and Marzia were having a heated argument to the side of the crowd.

'You have to look after Clem, Marzia! I don't want you getting hurt!'

'Neither do I! Felix, please-' a guard walked over and pushed Pewds into the crowd.


'Felix!' I looked away, hoping that wouldn't be the last time they'd see each other. I had a feeling that some of us weren't going to survive this, and those who didn't were in for a meeting with Cry.


Sorry it's been so long! I'm off school because of a snow day and I've got a lot of time to write some more chapters!

Stay magical :)

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