36. The Search Begins

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LDShadowLady's POV

'Um...he's not permitting visitors at the moment, but he's willing to answer any questions through me'. I expected as much.

'Why did he make this happen?' I asked Cry. Cry screwed his eyes up and winced. 'Err...are you alright?'

'What? Um, yeah, yeah...this stuff gives me a headache. But it's okay. He says he didn't. There's something possessing people, and it possessed him. Made him create a whole new virus, an infection.'

'So his goal is to kill everyone?'

'Yes. Probably. Make earth habitable for his species.'

'Why couldn't he just...simply kill us?'

'Lizzie, not even my boss has that power. He...agh...' Cry put his hands to his temples. 'He knows you're thinking why there's so much bad in the world, but to be honest he doesn't have power over that stuff. He just sits back and lets it happen'.

'Um...can he stop it?'

'No. He needs you to stop it, he needs your friends to stop it. You will-agh-find something in the safe haven to help you stop it, he-' Cry opened his eyes in surprise. 'I've lost connection!'

'That happen a lot?'

'Connection to the creator is not like wifi, Lizzie. No, it doesn't. Something's up. Now do you want to help save the world or not?' I sighed. Joel really was sorry, and right now all I wanted was to snuggle up to him and play Minecraft.

'Yes. Fine. Send me back'. I expected there to be a mega plot twist, Cry to reveal he couldn't. But he clicked his fingers and gave me one last grin.

'Good luck'. And then he was gone.


Beeeeeep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

'Lizzie? Oh my god, Lizzie, I thought you were dead, the machine, it-' I cut Joel off by wrapping my arms around his neck, then slapping him in the face. 'What?' He rubbed his cheek, confused.

'Don't you dare cheat on me again, even if I am going to die. Oh, I'm glad to be back!'

'How did you-'

'Hush. I'm here now, right?' Joel disguised his confusion with a grin.

'Yes. Right. But don't ever die on me again, Lizzie'. I nodded. Lying about the next bit wasn't so hard. I told Joel that I'd heard a voice while I was asleep, telling me that the key to stopping this infection was somewhere in the safe haven. He seemed to believe me, and I realised then how much I loved him.


We gathered a group of people the next day to look around. Marzia, Dan, Adam and Minx stayed in the makeshift hospital, with people wounded from yesterday but Joel recruited some people who weren't too ill or busy to help. I'd learnt about the breach yesterday and I felt sick thinking about it.

Yami and Mark took the south end by the breach area which had luckily been patched up. Chilled and Ohm took the West area, Felix and Joe took the East area and Joel, Dan Howell and I took the North. We had walkie talkies to contact each other if we found anything.

'So' Dan began as we started walking. 'What exactly are we looking for, Lizzie?'

'I'm not sure' I admitted. 'But whatever it is, it's in here somewhere'.

'Lizzie's never wrong, are you, Lizzie?' Joel laughed as we walked. I squeezed his hand.

'Absolutely not'. If this was what true love felt like, then I never wanted to die again.


Hey! Sorry it's been so long, but I'll definitely try and get chapters out faster in the future. BTW my one shot book is up, feel free to take a look!

Stay magical :)

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