They meet

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Today was the the day I meet the people i am going to be working with, I met Randy,he's a pretty cool dude, and I also met Ryan, I just haven't met the guy everybody has been talking about, Simon Cowell.

I was wearing a black short dress that hugged my curves and my hair down in soft curls.
As I walked over to get a drink to settle my nerves I see a man walk over to Randy and Ryan. He is tall, and is very attractive. As soon as I got my drink I started to walk over to the guys they were talking about music labels I knew Randy has a record label producer I wondered if the guy had one too. I stood next to Randy and they stopped there conversation they all turned there eyes to me, then Randy began to introduce me.

Paula this is Simon Cowell he is a record producer he is going to be one of the judges and Simon this is Paula Abdul she is singer, dancer, choreographer I could go on she is also going to be a judge with us.

They both stuck out there hands not breaking eye contact and shook each other's hands

It's very nice to meet you ,Paula said, like wise Simon said giving her a wink, her cheeks were rosie and she had a small smile on her face.

They all got to talk through out the night and got to know each other better

This was going to be interesting Paula thought.

I hope you guys enjoyed me short little preview of what's to come👌. Make sure to vote and comment some ideas xoxo,Madison ❤️❤️

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