Pizza and rummy

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There they were both of them next to each other grabbing the cards to play rummy they set up the pile and began playing the game.

Simon kept his eye on Paula and watched her reactions as she discarded cards and picked up new ones. What Simon didn't notice is that Paula was doing the same thing to him she looked up at him and smiled.

"Hold on let me check on the pizza no cheating" she looked at Simon to make sure they were in agreement.

"I won't cheat I promise" he chuckled and looked at her to see if the pizza was done.

"We have a couple more minutes and then out pizza will be ready."

She picked back up her cards and began to play again Paula was quite good at the game and Simon could tell Simon never lost any games but I think he meet him match with Paula he stared at her and he discarded his cards it was the final show down and with two more cards the game was over.

"Rummy!" Paula yelled and laughed and smiled ear to ear Simon threw down his cards and stuck his lip out.

"You cheated" he looked at her and then quickly whipped his head around so that he wasn't looking at her.

"You know your such a baby what no one's ever beaten you at game before" she said putting her hands on her hips.

"I didn't lose I let you win" he said matter a factly.

"Yeah, okay you let me win " Paula said sarcastically.

She walked over to the oven and pulled out the pizza is was perfect timing she placed it down on the counter and picked up a pizza cutter and began cutting the pizza.

"Ow that's hot" she said waving around her hand in the air and bringing her fingers to her lips.

Simon about drooled when she sucked her fingers she looked up at him and question him but he steered the question in a different way.

"The pizza looks delicious can't wait to take a bite." Paula grabbed two plates and put a piece on his plate and did the same for him the both headed over to the couch to sit.

They began to eat their pizza, it was quite good and they began to make small talk like usual Paula asking him about his family him replying tier fine and vise virsa.

They had both finished their pieces of pizza's and just sat back on the couch and looked out the windows that were on top of the ceiling it was beautiful the sky was in beautiful hues of pink and blue that just left them in aww. With their busy lives they both never really took a break to sit down and enjoy the little things, but it was a nice change.

Simon turned to Paula and admired her beauty

"What" Paula looked at him with a small smile.

"You look beautiful you know that" he stared into her eyes.

"Thank you Simon" she gave him a genuine smile and she stared into his eyes.

Their eyes were both dilated as they inched closer to each other Paula closed her eyes as Simon put his mouth up to hers their lips touched the kiss was soft and gentle Paula never expected him to be gentle he grabbed her face and deepened the kiss sliding his tongue in between her lips asking for permission Paula gladly opened her mouth and Simon found her tongue and began fighting her tongue for dominance causing her to moan in his mouth sending vibrations throughout his whole body.

"Gosh your so sexy" he said In between breaths.

That only earned a bigger moan from Paula.
Simon began to kiss her harder and slid his hands around her back as she rapped her hands around his neck causing them to become closer then they were before.

They were making out which felt like hours until they need to pull away for air Paula finally found the nerve to drop her arms from his neck and step back from him a little bit.

"Is everything alright Paula" he looked at her as he ran a hand through his hair nervously.

"I just don't think we should be doing this we work together and I think things would get to complicated." She looked at him and then stood up.

"Simon please understand that it's for the best"

"Goodnight" she walked into the bathroom and closed the doors Simon was just standing their like his heart was just stepped on he didn't think her words would have caused him to feel this much pain they were just kissing and with that he left her house slamming the door behind him.

She ran after him and yelled out the door.

"Simon wait Simon please don't leave like this"

He stopped in his tracks and turned around and walked back up to her.

"Paula did you regret what we did in their." He looked at her with anger in his eyes.

"No Simon I just can't mix business with pleasure you know that."

He turned around but then looked back at her
"I know" he said quietly

"Simon please don't be mad at me I just want to keep things professional for both are sake."

"No no I understand Paula" he said shaking his head.

"Friends" she said sticking her hand out to him

"Friends" he shook her hand and they both turned around Paula walking back in her house and Simon getting into his car.

Paula went back into her house and closed the door and slid down it. Why does he effect me this way it's stupid. She said in head trying to shake the thought of him out of her head but then her thoughts went to the kiss god he kiss the way his lips devoured hers and his tongue my gosh his tongue I wonder what else he could do with that tongue oh my gosh stop Paula stop thinking about him he just wanted to go around saying he banged Paula Abdul but know I'm not going to be one of those girls he fights in his black little book.

She stood up and went up stairs to bed she need to sleep this off.

Simon sat their in bed thinking of Paula wondering why she stopped them. What they were doing, did she think this was just a one time thing. I don't know what to think omg but when she moaned I about lost it. I wonder what other sexy sounds she would have made if she had given me the chance.

With a few other thoughts both Simon and Paula were asleep.

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