Party time

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"I don't know Simon what do you suggest" I asked waiting for an answer
"Well definitely not water" he gave me some fruity drink and I took a sip

"So how's it taste" Simon said looking at me
"It's actually really good" I said taking another sip of the drink "well good let's get back to the party." he took my arm and lead me to the door I couldn't believe that out of all the people at this party Simon was showing me around I always figured him to be a bit distant when it came to me but it didn't look like it now

Everyone was now in the main room there was music playing and the lights were semi dark and there were a couple of neon lights set up

"Wow this place looks great." "Thank you pawla." he gave her a small smile
They both walked back into the party they had walked up to Randy and his girl Erica was there. Randy had introduced them to her and they both shook her hand
"Are you enjoying the party" Paula said to Erica.
"Yes it is so nice"
They all looked around and saw Ryan dancing with a bunch of people we all started to laugh and he headed over to us

"Hey you guys you should all come dance it's really fun" he said and then he ran back to the crowd Erica looked up at Randy and grabbed his hand

"Come on let's dance Randy." she said giving him a big smile he eventually said "yes" with a groan or two but they were off to the dance floor

Paula had looked up at Simon and then back down at her feet
"Simon do you wanna dance with me"
He shook his head "I don't dance Paula."
"Come on please just this once I promise after this song if you wanna stop you can stop."
"Fine" I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the dance floor we were close to Randy and Erica and I grabbed his arm and put it around my waste and I put his hand in mine he looked down at me and I just laughed

"What? What's so funny" he said
"Nothing it's just you really don't know how to dance."  "I'm sorry that I'm not an expert like you Paula but I can dance, I just choose not too."

A song started to play and he grabbed me and pulled me close to him I was surprised by his sudden will to dance but hey I wasn't complaining I put my arm on his shoulder and we began to rock to the music and he spun me a couple of times I actually was quite surprised at how good he was at dancing then he dipped me and I giggled

I never knew Simon could be the romantic type he always gave off the bad boy to cool to for school vibe but him dancing with me like this made me see him differently don't get me wrong he's still super annoying and stubborn but this Simon I could get used too.

Randy and Erica came up to us and we switched partners we danced with them for a couple minutes but then we eventually ended up together again

I could see others watching us closely but Simon didn't seem to mind so we continued to dance then Yeah by Usher came on and everyone in the room that was dancing slowly started to find a partner and were getting down to the music

We saw Randy and Erica move their hips to the music and grabbed each other close and started dancing

Simon moves toward Paula and she raps her arms around his neck making them way closer than before he rapped his arms around her waist so that she was practically flesh up against him and began to dance. Paula began rocking her body on Simon rotating her hips in a half circle motion Simon began to do the same taking cue from Paula and moved the other way

Paula then dropped her arms from his neck and then spun around so that her back was facing him Simon then grabbed her hips as she began grinding up against him he spun her around and began grinding on her she closed her eyes for a split second and then realized that this was Simon that she was grinding on and that it was a little inappropriate for them to be doing this especially when the producers are a couple feet away and all these people. She then steeped away from him and whispered in his ear

"Hey Simon I'm going to get a drink real quick I'll be back." With that she left him on the dance floor

"Omg I can't believe I was grinding up on Simon." he's supposed to be my enemy but after what happened tonight I don't know what to think

I grabbed a cup of ice and some water I know Simon said no water but I need something to cool me down it was getting hot in here and she didn't want to do something she would regret

She walked back up to Simon with her drink in her hand and asked if he wanted to go find the others and hangout with them he seemed hesitant at first but then agreed

We found Randy and Erica and Ryan the song was over by now and people started to wind down and most people were leaving soon after a short conversation with the group Ryan left then Randy and Erica.

It was just Simon and I we sat down on this little couch and just began small talk I knew I had to leave but for some reason I wanted to stay and talk to Simon.

"Well Simon I think I'm going to leave I had the best time tonight. Thanks for dancing with me." and gave him a bright smile

"Of course darling" he gave me a wink and I walked out the door. See you tomorrow simon

"See you tomorrow Ms. Abdul"
And with that she climbed in her car and drove off

Thanks for reading make sure to give feedback ❤️

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