The judging begans

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Thank you for reading my last 🙃 chapter make sure to vote and comment ❤️

It was the next day and it was time to judge some talent

Paula wore a hot pink shirt and a black tight skirt she had her hair down as usual and walked in and sat next to Randy he was in all black and in some very cute sneakers Simon wasn't there yet he always took the longest

"Randy I love the shoes " she said he turned to her " Thank you baby I had to wear something to make this outfit pop."  He said pointing down at his shoes

" You look great as always" I couldn't help but giggle " Thank you Randy" she gave him a quick glance and turned back towards the door.

Finally Mr.belatedness had arrived he walked in wearing a black tee shirt and some jeans and walked in with a coffee in his hands

"Finally dog, you decided to show up" he said trying to sound annoyed

Simon just walked to his seat and gave Randy a grin

Simon turned and whispered to Paula " I like you skirt Paula it's nice and short." He purred in her ear and then turned back facing straight in his chair

Paula couldn't help the blush that fell over her cheeks as she tried to focus because they were about to start the auditions

After what felt like a billion auditions they were over for the day everyone got up from their chairs and headed to their dressing room

Paula was packing up her things when she heard a knock on her door she walked over and opened the door to her surprise it was Simon

"Hello Simon what do you want" she asked genuinely interested.

He just walked in and sat down on her couch
"Come on in" Paula said rolling her eyes
He then picked up a magazine that was sitting on the table in front of him and began flipping through the pages.

"Simon what do you want you don't just walk into my dressing room without a single word and start going through my stuff."

"I was just bored love I wanted to come and check out your dressing room" he said with a smile

"Well now that you've seen it goodbye"  she said a little harsher than intended.

He looked up at her and tossed the magazine back on the table and then stood up he walked over to Paula.

"What's the matter" he asked me calmly.
"Simon nothing is the matter I'm just tired and I want to go home."

"Fine lets go to your house then" he began heading for the door.

"Simon I meant alone" she grabbed her bag and her jacket and walked out the door.

"You know Paula you are one of most stubborn women I know"
"Look who's talking Simon you always nag and nag and get what you want."

"It doesn't look like I'm getting my way now Princess does it" with that she stormed off and headed out the building.

"Paula wait you know I'm just playing around please don't leave like this" she turned around and walked over to him

"Simon why don't you just go home so this princess can get her beauty sleep" she rolled her eyes at him and turned back heading for her car.

"Paula can I come over I just want to talk that's all I'm asking" he sounded sincere and she looked back at him.

"Fine but come on it's getting dark" Simon hopped in her car with her and they both drove to her house.

Omg why am allowing this why is Simon coming to my house and what does he want to talk about I never know with this man

Saula is back Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora