Butting heads or maybe not

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It's the 2nd season of American idol and I'm already getting tired of Cowell, he is so rude and doesn't know how to give constructive criticism.

It was early during the day and we were half way through auditions it was hard to get a word in edgewise with Simon running his mouth

The next audition was this kid he was okay, as I was giving my pointers Simon put his head on the table and sighed

Simon do you have something you would like to say I said in annoyance
Yes Paula,this guy is dreadful he is not as good as the others we've seen
   As much as I hated him I had to agree with him he wasn't as good,but that doesn't give the right to say      that he's dreadful
    What ever Cowell rolling my eyes
Okay how about we vote said Randy 
Cowell, yes or no?
It's a no from me dawg, Paula
   I'm sorry but I'm going to pass
The guy left and it was about time that we had a break I walked out of the room and went to my dressing room as soon as I got into my dressing room I went to go lay on my couch I grabbed a blanket and laid down sooner or later I was dozing off to sleep when I heard a knock at the door, I didn't think I slept for that long when I opened the door I expected someone to tell me that we were starting back up again but, it was Simon

Simon what do you want, but he didn't answer me he just walked in my dressing room
Sure Simon come on in
He sat in my makeup chair I closed my door and walked up to him
What do you want Cowell I said
he looked at me and then spoke
I hope we find some good talent everyone was dreadful today
Yeah, I had to agree with him the talent wasn't good
I walked over to my fridge and pulled out a soda I offered one to him he said sure and I walked over to him placing the drink in his hand he opened it and took a sip and began to speak again
Are you coming to the party that's this weekend, Simon said
Yes, is Randy and Ryan going to be there too ?
Yeah there going, it's a hole big get together.
Okay, is it casual or do I need to dress up.
It's more casual although I much rather see you in one of your short dresses then he winked at me
I blushed and then I heard a knock at the door we both turned to look at the door I opened the door and it was a crew member telling me that they were bringing more contestants, Simon got out of his seat and walked over to me and we began to walk over to our chairs

The Party.....

it was the night of the party and I was getting ready I was exited but kinda nervous,I was debating on whether I should where what Simon suggested, you know what YOLO I'll where my short black dress and black Stiletto heels my hair was down and curled I think I was ready I put on some jewelry and grabbed my purse and keys and left the house

I pulled up to the house it was beautiful it was one of Simons houses
I walked up to the door and knocked
It opened and I was greeted by one of the maids, she offered to take my coat,I gave it to her and said thank you, I adjusted my dress and walked into the living room I saw randy and I walked up to him

Hi Randy I greeted him with a smile and a hug
Hey Paula, you look good dawg
Thank you Randy I smiled brightly and looked around the room to see who was there
Hey randy where is Simon?
Oh I don't know maybe he's with Ryan
Okay I looked around and I spotted Ryan and Simon a smile crept up on my face I couldn't help it
I walked up to Ryan and Simon
Hey Ryan
Hey Paula he said giving me a hug
Love your outfit
Thank you Ryan I said then turning to Simon he looked me up and down and then gave me his devilish smile
Hello Simon I said in a deeper voice holding out my hand for him to shake
Hello Paula, what no hug for Simey
Fine I walked over and gave him a hug and he put his lips up to my ear and whispered
You look ravishing in this dress he said with a deep low tone and we both stepped back
Thank you Simon
No problem love he said giving me a small wink
  we both stood next to each other and continued to talk to Ryan and other guests I leaned in to Simon
Your house is beautiful Simon
Why thank you Paula
Where is the kitchen, I want a drink
Oh I'll show you come with me grabbing my hand and leading me to the kitchen
Here we are what would you like to drink Simon said
Some water will do Simon
Come on Paula why don't you have something to drink

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