The Party

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It had been a couple days since the incident with Simon and Paula and since it was the last day on Idol until the weekend they only had to get through a day with each other.

The whole day was filled with Simon and Paula arguing back and forth.  After the auditions were done they practically ran opposite direction away from each other Ryan had went to calm down Paula and Randy checked on Cowell

"Paula are you okay" Ryan sounded concerned looking at her.

"I'm fine Ryan, it's just Simon drives me insane I wish I could just disappear or go somewhere and find some peace."  She looked up at Ryan putting her head in her hands.

"Paula Randy is having a party tonight you should come he was going to invite you earlier but didn't get a chance when you ran off why don't you go, it will get your mind off of Mr.Nasty." Paula looked up at him with a smirk.

"You're right Ryan I will go thank you" she said grabbing her belongings and make her way out the door.

*back with Randy*

"Simon come on dude calm down" he said putting him hand on Simons shoulder.

"She is just so annoying I can't stand her" he began pacing and rubbing his hands over his face.

"Simon what's going on man she never bothers you like this." He looked at him concerned.

"I just get so worked up she stresses me out" he said looking his pockets for a cigarette.

"Simon since your so stressed why don't you come to my party tonight I was going to invite you anyways what do you say it's tonight."

"I'll go Randy" he said nodding his head and waving him off.

"See Simon that more like it see you at the party it at my house nine o'clock." He said walking out the door.

Simon followed soon after leaving to get ready for the party.

Paula wore a short dress that was a dark black and green that was reflective it fit her perfectly and she wore her hair in a tight ponytail. She looked hot and perfect.

Simon was wearing a white button down shirt and plain jeans even though he was dressed simple he still looked great.

Paula has arrived at the party and found Ryan and began taking to him Randy came up to them.

"Hey baby glad you could come" Randy said with ease.

"Thank you for having me I'm just so happy to get a break and relax." She said giving him a smile.

"Aren't we all" Ryan said holding up his drink.

Randy walked away and started to mingle toward the guests.

Simon walked into the room and was greeted by Randy.

"Hello Randy nice party"

"Thanks dawg glad you could come." He said holding out his hand. Simon shook his hand.

"I'm glad you invited me it gives me a chance to relax." He said giving him a grin.

"Well I'm glad, you can relax all you want" and with that Randy had walked away.

Paula went to get a drink and she felt eyes on her but decided not to turn around.

I saw this incredible sexy woman getting a drink and I just had to introduce myself she was the hottest person in the place by the looks of it at least from behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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