2| Jealousy

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Lisa's POV
After class ended I was irritated that Taehyung didnt come and then Jungkook asked me "can we go out to eat and then come back to school?" We would be missing english but I suck at english. I replied "sure". I walked to my locker to get my wallet. I saw Taehyung and he was with Sinb I was going to say hi but then Jungkook said "Lisa let's go." And grabbed my wrist.

Taehyung's POV
I came to school late because Sinb asked me to pick her up. Lately I haven't been hanging out with Lisa I've been hanging out with Sinb. I don't mean to do anything we're just friends.

I was walking into school with Sinb when I heard "Lisa let's go" It was a boy's voice. I turn my head to see Lisa running off with a guy. I clenched my fist and then I followed them and left Sinb behind.

I was following them out of school. They went into dominos I went inside but covered my face so Lisa couldn't tell that it was me.

Lisa said "hey Jungkook can I call you bunny?" I guess that guy's name is Jungkook. Jungkook then said "yea but why?" While smiling. Lisa replied "because your smile looks like a bunny" while pinching his cheeks.

At this point I was very irritated. I slammed my hand on the table I was sitting at causing everyone to look at me. I ran out. Since when did Lisa start hanging out with other guys? Ughhhhh and that Jungkook guy what the hell. It seems like they're so close. I went back to school after.

When I got back I heard "hey did you hear that Taehyung and Lisa are at a make or break point right now?" "Yeah I heard Taehyung is cheating with that Sinb girl and then today I saw Lisa run off with that new kid what was he's name?Jungseok? Jung-" I cut that girl off and said "kook,Jungkook." While glaring at them. They turned their head toward me and then looked at each other. They then ran off and I walked to class irritated as hell.

Lisa's POV
After me and Jungkook,well bunny now,ate we walked back to school. I asked to see bunny's schedule and he showed me it. Turns out me,bunny,and Taehyung have all the same classes together.

Jungkook's locker is actually next to mine. We grabbed our stuff and went to our next class. Taehyung was actually there. The seating arrangements were Taehyung right beside me,Sinb right beside Taehyung,and now bunny next to me. Then everyone else is mixed around.

We all sat down and then the teacher walked in. He said "annyeonghasayo class we have a camping trip next week and I will make a group of 6 each and then you'll go walk around to see the artifacts. We'll stay for 1 week."

Yayyy field trip. Hopefully Sinb,Taehyung,and bunny are in my group. Mr.Jung then passed out the permission slips. He then said "I'll send out more info to your email addresses."

-time skip nighttime

I was with Jungkook aka bunny because he asked me if I wanted to go to the arcade and plus I was still mad at Taehyung and during school he didn't even talk to me,Sinb said she was busy. I saw a basketball hoop and said "bunny can we go shoot some hoops?". He replied "yea,loser has to pay for icecream." I nodded and then we walked over to the basketball hoops.

We put in a token and started shooting.

Jungkook's POV
It's so cute to see her try. I looked at the score it was 14-20 I winning but she's so cute when she tries. Ugh I'll let her win I missed 5 on purpose. Then the score was 25-20. She said "yes! youre paying for icecream". Awe she's so cute,I then pinched her cheeks and said "kaja". She nodded.

Since the arcade is in the mall we went to a cafe in the mall for icecream.

Lisa's POV
I won yes! We then went to a cafe. When we walked in and waited in line. When it was our turn to order bunny said "1 mint chocolate chip on a waffle cone" I then said "make that 2 ". After a few minutes they handed us the ice cream and then me and Jungkook went to sit down.
I said "is this your favorite ice cream flavor?" He nodded and said "is it yours?" I nodded. Mint chocolate chip has always been my favorite.

I looked at Jungkook and he was staring at me. I said "what?". He repiled "you have ice cream on your face" as he was reaching towards my face. He wiped my the side of my lip with his finger and then licked it. "That has my saliva on it". He then said "I can't waste mint chocolate chip ice cream". I said "true" as I took a lick from my ice cream.

Lisa and Jungkook friends this fast?
Yes I know it's fast but Lisa is friendly like that.
I'll update when I can!

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