4| We did 'it'

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Lisa's POV
Bunny woke me up by tapping me on the shoulder. We arrived at his house and we all went in.

He is rich but all of us are so it wasn't a big deal. I said "nice house". Jungkook then said "thanks let's go watch a movie in the theater" we all nodded and followed Jungkook to the theater.

When we got to the theater we saw a big auditorium with tons of seat and a big screen. I was going to sit next to Taehyung but Sinb sat there. Why can't I sit next to him? I tried to sit on the other side of Taehyung but he put Sinb's purse there.

What the actual fuck is he ignoring me or something? What the hell did I do? I don't understand why he is being like this. I pouted and I turned back around to sit next to Jungkook who is sitting next to Sinb. My eyes were also watery.

Taehyung's POV
I didn't want Lisa to sit next to me because I was still mad at her for doing stuff with Jungkook.

She seems upset but she deserves it. Whatever.
Jungkook then asked "what do you guys wanna watch?"
Lisa said "how about Blended?" Mmm that sounds good but I'm not going to agree.

Sinb said "no high school musical!" Lisa and Jungkook brusted out laughing I tried to hold my laughter. What is she a 10 year old hahaha.
Lisa then said "Sinb are you 8 or something come on high school musical" I couldn't help myself and laughed.

Sinb pouted and then I said "it's okay" and put her head on my shoulder. "Blended it is then" Jungkook said. Yessss!

Lisa's POV
High school musical? Ahahahah I cant. Jungkook put on blended and then I turn my head to see Sinb and Taehyung's shoulder while he is padding her head. He use to do that for me! What the hell ughh whatever.

I just focused on the movie,haha Adam Sandler.

~few minutes later

Sinb's POV
Hahaha Lisa doesn't get to sit next to her boyfriend well soon to be ex boyfriend. I was watching the movie which was actually pretty good when I felt someone rubbing on my
thigh. I looked over to see who it was. Hmmmm it was Jungkook,he went higher teasing me. I said "hey I need to use the bathroom Jungkook can you show me?" I winked.

I could tell he knew what I meant and he came to show me where the 'bathroom' was.

Lisa's POV
Jungkook went to show Sinb the bathroom and I heard Taehyung scoff. I said "go follow them if your jealous" while rolling my eyes. Taehyung said "I could say the same about you". What the fuck he didn't deny it and he's turning it around on me.

I said "I didn't do anything and you didn't deny that you were jealous". I stood up and was walking until I heard Taehyung say "holding hands and laying on his shoulder are nothing?" I scoffed and said "fyi the reason why we were holding hands is because a man and his friends chased us because I accidently spilled ice cream on him and he grabbed onto me. So me and Jungkook ran while holding hands and putting my head on his shoulder? You let Sinb lay on your shoulder so don't act all innocent".

Taehyung scoffed and said "sure you held hands because of that sureeeee and the shoulder thing whatever". I then said "you don't wanna believe me fine! But these marks on my wrist prove that someone grabbed onto me!" I walked off until someone grabbed my wrist where the mark was and it hurt. I said "ow" as I turned around it was Taehyung. He said "let me see" while trying to look at my wrist I shook my head and turned back around to walk off and shake his hand off.

He pulled my arm which made it hurt even more "owwwwww" I wined. Taehyung looked at my wrist and said "Oh my god I'm so sorry,um do you still love me?" Of course I still love him but I can't give in right now so I said "do you even love me?" He immediately said "of course,I always will,I love you".

I said "good because I  love you too". We hugged and kissed. He deepened the kiss which turned me on. I said "we haven't done 'it' in a while" while smirking. Taehyung smirked back and said "yeah" he smacked his lips on mine and we exited the theater and went into a guest room. We did 'It'.

Jungkook's POV
I brought Sinb to my room. We both knew we wanted each other. She ran up to me and jumped on me,I held her butt and she wrapped her arms around my neck. We kissed and moved to the bed. I took of her clothes and she took off mine. And then we did 'it'.

They all did 'It' in Jungkook's house?
Thanks for reading
Hope you enjoyed
I'll update when I can

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