6|Messed up partners

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Lisa's POV
When I was done I sat down on one of the chairs and saw a schedule, everyone then said they were done and then I called them over to read the schedule.

This is the schedule for the week and everyday in the morning from when you wake up till 10am that's free time and also at night from 7pm to 11pm is free time 11pm is your curfew.

All these things you will have a partner and each day you will have a different partner

Monday(Today)- Scavenger hunt for artifacts, have to have pictures to prove you found all of them winners get to have 1 more hour of free time in both morning and night. Losers have to cook dinner.

Tuesday- Make things that look like artifacts we saw on the first day with clay. Teachers make dinner

Wednesday- Chose an artifact that you made yesterday. Find out where it's from and make a food that is made there. You'll eat that for dinner.

Thursday- Chose a different artifact and find out was it made or observed. If it was made who made It? And if it was observed who or where was it observed? Teachers make dinner

Friday- Find out what kind of artifacts the artifact from day 1 are called. Play a game and who ever loses goes to get ramen and snacks for other students and the teachers at the store,that's dinner.

Saturday- Arrange the artifacts from youngest to oldest and make a small dish for each artifact from where they are from. If some are from the same place only make 1. You'll eat that for dinner.

Sunday(last day)- boys and girl hot spring will combined and you guys will wear swim suits (a/n: everyone brought swim suits forgot to add that to the list)
. Fun day! Swim,hang,and eat. Teachers will grill food and students make dessert.

We will leave Monday morning and then you guys have 2 days off of school and will return on Wednesday.

"Okay guys let's go to the woods" Sinb said.I nodded and then we went to the woods.

"Annyeonghasayo" all 6 of us said to Mr and Mrs Jung.
After a few minutes all the groups were there and then Mrs. Jung said "okay class so the thing that Mr. Jung is passing out *Mr. Jung passes out 1 piece of paper to each student* is a map to find artifacts. Now I know you all have your phones so use that to take pictures of the artifacts you have found. The woods is clearly marked so you wont get lost, there is a yellow line to show you where to stop going foward.You have 5 hours to find 9 artifacts and the map marks where each artifact is but when you do find the artifacts you need to answer some questions that will take about 15 minutes till you get to see the artifact to take a picture. The first ones who finished are considered winners and the last ones to finish are considered losers no matter what you have to finish. The prizes for the winners are 1 hour more for free time in the morning and night and you can use it anytime for only 1 time while we are here. Losers have to cook dinner tonight. Now here are the partners for group 1"

~skip to your group

"For group 4, Taehyung and Sinb, Jungkook and Lisa, and Tzu-yu and Young-jae. Now go on go to your partner and get to finding the artifacts" Mrs.Jung then walked over to a chair and sat down with Mr.Jung.

I was already next to Jungkook so I said "shall we go now?" He nodded his head in response so we then walked in the woods.

~time skip 4 hours

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2019 ⏰

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