Episode Two (S1)

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Mili is in her pink room, layed on her fluffy bed, with some BTS posters on the walls and a window to view outside the second floor, talking with her friend, Pearl.

PEARL: "You're going to test out the machine yourself, you're not scared that you might die in their mind?".

MILI: "No, I would have it all under control, I am facing two idiots after all, what could go wrong? Besides, I didn't post all the functions of the M. Barashin, so I'd have advantage".

PEARL: "So there's hidden functions on your machine only you know about?".

MILI: "Yeah, if anything goes wrong, Kosho would just help me".

PEARL: "I wish you the best of luck to help those people, Mili, good night".

MILI: "Bye".

She hangs up the call, taking a deep breath and smirking, placing her arm on her forehead.

MILI: this is going to be amazing.

(Starset - It Has Begun plays)

(Starset - It Has Begun stops playing)

(In Ansoni's nightmare)

Ansoni enters a car with a blurry girl (which means her aspect is just very random and unrecognisable) and his father.
"We're going to a very special place!" Ansoni's father said as he pushed the accelerator with his foot.

Ansoni seemed pretty happy about going to an unknown place, until something very sudden began to happen... he turned at the blurry girl and noticed she was leaning in to kiss him, it was too sudden for Ansoni, so he quickly pushed the girl's lips away from him with his hand.

Her eyes filled with tears, she opened the door of the active car and ran out without stumbling or tripping, the car stopped when she got out, the wheels were still pushing but the car was not advancing, he observed how her image was slowly fading into the nothingness.

And then, explosions were going off behind them at the distance, he was panicking, he turned at his father just to notice he was no longer there, it was like if he was a ghost, he violently opened the car door and began running down the road as the explosions got closer to him.
He opened the door of a black and white house, the inside was completely colorless, like an old movie that lacked of colors. He sat down on the floor, and just shook in fear, asking himself what happened.

He heard the door open, he concetrated his gaze into the sound, there was a tall figure with a gun, the aspect was blinded by the strong light of the constant explosions... even though he was facing the figure, he felt a sharp pain on his back, like a needle, he closed his eyes, a second after that, he heard a gun shot... two gunshots... three, four, five... and six. He felt six sharp pain on his back, he was pierced with bullets.

He opened his eyes, the tall figure wasn't on the door anymore, his pain was growing despite that it is just a nightmare... it was like a lucid dream.

(End of Ansoni's nightmare)

Ansoni wakes up, sweating.

ANSONI: "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" his scream was heard all inside his house.

He hears a voice coming from downstairs.


Ansoni looks at his hands, then uncovers himself from the sheet since he is over heated by fear, he looks outside the window, and sees the beautiful rays of sunshine raining down the miracle of nature, birds are chirping, leaves are falling... it's a beautiful day. He sighs in relief.

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