The Presents

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They let me out of the hospital later that day. I go to the Fire department and go to the chief seeing how many people there is. There is a total of  30 people in that specific fire department, 13 women and 17 men. I get a list of names from the chief and who is female and who is male. A star next to the name means male and a heart means female.

So I go to the grocery store and used what money I had saved up. I bought little things, like lotions, hand sanitizers, necklaces, gift cards, mug chocolate microwaves recipes, and candies.

That used up half of my money but I use some more of my money to order mugs that say, 'Thank you, first responders' and order Dominic Patherson a picture that says 'Thank you for saving my life' and it has a heart on it, and in the bottom corner it says 'From y/n l/n, Thank You'

I spend quite a bit of money. Then I use big bags that I have and I sort out the things I got.

Every bag has one little bottle of lotion, one little bottle of good smelling hand sanitizer, two gift cards, one to Applebees and one to Starbucks, two boxes of chocolate microwave mug recipes, a bag of skittles, and a big bag of jelly beans.

In 13 of the bag I put necklaces that say 'Forever In My Heart'. I label the bags.

Then I label the other 17. On every one it says from y/n.

The mugs show up that day and I put a mug in each bag. Then the picture shows up and I put that one in Dominic's bag.

I talk to Luke and get him to drive me to the fire departement. It is lunch time so everybody but the chief is gone.

I hurry and bring all the presents inside and put them under the tree that is in the middle of the fire department. I tell the chief that the responders can open the presents  whenever they want too, but he promised to record their reactions and then send them to me, so I left.

We go go back to the car and go home.

Autumn meets us at the door. Even and Ryan are in the living room messing with a present.

We only have a week and a half left of school. We have a long Christmas break. We don't go back into school until January 2nd. So after this week we get off we only have a day and a half of school until break on the 16th.

I go to my room and go to the computer. I open the email and I have the video of the first responders opening the presents.

I take the footage and upload it on youtube. I am known as y/c. I name it 'First responders open presents i give them'.

It is actually quite interesting to watch them open the presents. Most of them get so excited and so happy.

I get downstairs and I go up to Luke. I work at Starbucks, so I get a discount.

I am in my outfit for work and ask him to drive me. I have my permit, but I get my license in another month.

He told me that I had to drive but he would be in the car. So I drove myself to work and Luke said he would come pick me up.

I get down with my shift and look at my stitches.

They hurt when I stretch them as I walk on my feet and twist my torso. I've been taking it easy, but it still hurts.

I look up and see Luke look sadly at me as I limp.

We get home and I sit down and Autumn comes bounding over.

I pet her and pet her then I get up. I look at my video of the first responders and it has already hone viral. It has 3 million views.

I go to the kitchen and get myself a reward, a few oreos.

I sit down and notice my leg feels kind of wet.

I pull up my pants and notice that two of the stitches on the gash on the top of my leg has come out and is bleeding.

"Luke!" I call out.

"Ya?" He calls from the office.

I get up and go to the office. He is with Anthony, Brock, Jonathan, and Nogla.

"We need to go to the doctor." I say.

"Are you ok, y/n?" I hear Jonathan ask through the headset. I get closer to the mic.

"No. Two of the stitches in my foot got ripped out." I say.

"What?!" Luke says. "Come on we're going to get that looked at."

"Stop freaking out bro." I tell him. "I saved so many people."

"That's the point. I can't lose you and our parents all at once." He says heatdly.

Everyone stops talking instantly. After a couple of seconds I respond.

"I saved 45 people and your mad at me." I snap.

"I'm frustrated! You could have died
y/n!" He says.

"But I didn't. I only have a few cuts." I say.

"All of which will leave scars." He replies.

I stay silent.

"Yes they will and I will be proud of them." I say.

He doesn't say anything and I limp away.

I call Ryan.

Ryan: Hello y/n!

Me: Can you come bring me to the doctor? Luke and I got into a fight.

Ryan: I'm on my way.

I hang up and wait. A few minutes pass and Ryan pulls in. I have a tissue on the stitches to soak up the blood.

We get to the doctor and they got me back as soon as possible.

They restitched the stitches that got pulled out.

Then they gave me crutches to use so that the stitches are being pulled as much.

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