The Bus Kids

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Time skip to first day back at school:

I ride with Evan and Ryan to school. Ryan parks and I get out. Evan grabs my crutches and I put my backpack on my shoulders before I grab my crutches. I take my crutches and we head inside.

I talk with Evan until Aria meets me at the school door. We walk to our first class and talk along the way.

I get in the classroom and the teacher grins so wide.

I look at her weird as she stared at me creepily.

I go to my desk.

Aria had her hand grasping my arm as I balance on my one foot, putting the two crutches leaning up against my desk. Then I get my backpack off of my shoulder and she let's go long enough for the bag to slide off of my arm.

It lands with a thud onto the floor next to my desk. I grab the desk and sit myself down, Aria letting go of my arm.

She sits right next to me and I glance at the, still staring, teacher. I turn to Aria.

"The teacher is making me uncomfortable." I whisper.

That was when me and Aria were called to the office.

We both started freaking out. Aria helps me get my backpack and I get my crutches and we go.

We are told to go out front and I see all of the kids I saved.

I pull out my phone and give it to a random stranger.

"Can you take pictures and record when I tell you too?" I ask. The girl nods.

I get in front of the group, with my crutches. I put a little kid around my shoulders.

"And take pictures." The girl did so. She took a few and then she stops.

"And record now." I pause for a couple of seconds.

"These are all the people that I saved and they all got together today. These people fight and argue, but they got together to say thank you. They didn't have to but they did." I turn towards the nearest big kid. "Was it you guys who dropped if the flowers and chocolate at my house?"

The kid nods.

"My faith in humanity has been restored." I say. I pause. "You can stop now."

My voice didn't change a bit. I love that they did this. I truly meant everything I said.

The rest of the day went by normally and I uploaded the video when I got home.

Time Skip to Christmas:

It is 8:00 on Christmas morning. I get up and go into Evan's room.

"Get up Evan it's Christmas." I say slugishly.

I do that to Ryan and Luke. Autumn went downstairs and I let her out.

Evan noticed I was going to walk the dog alone and he instantly came with me. I held the leash and Autumn got used to the crutches and soon learned to ignore them.

I look more closely at the necklace Evan always wears.

Ryan and Luke have ones almost the exact same but different color.

Ryan's is white, Evan's is yellow, and Luke's is Red, they each glow and my brothers hide them under their shirts.

We get home and I go inside and let the dog run. She knows it is Christmas so when we get sat down in the living room she lays down next to me.

I give each person gifts. We each have our stockings and we go oldest to youngest.

Time skip:

We have opened almost all of our Christmas Presents. There is only my present left and my brothers made me wait until last for this one.

I open it up and it is a matching necklace of my brother but f/c instead.

Inside the box was also a journal. It says History Journal on the front leather cover. It is a very old book and looks worn, but we'll tooken care of.

I look more closely and it has my great grandparents names, my parents names, and our names on it.

I instantly put my necklace on and feel a rush of power surge through my body.

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