New School

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The rest of the time before school was spent unpacking.

Ryan gave me a ride to school and dropped me off towards the library. I hurried off to my first class. The bell hasn't rang so all the other kids are standing up talking to each other.

This class was Social Studies. Since it was already Monday I was already somewhat pissy, just adding the fact that it was Social Studies made it worse. (Sorry if you like Social Studies/Geography)

I just sat down with my head on my desk waiting for the class to start. This pretty girl comes up to me and taps my shoulder.

"Hi I'm Lily. You look like you could use a friend." She says with a huge smile on her face. She is wearing some nice, but not too nice, clothes and a little bit of lip gloss. We start talking and Holly eventually comes over.

"Hey Holly." Both Lily and I say.

Holly sits next to me and Lily finds a seat on the other side of me.

We talk some more before the bell rings.

"So why do you have that limp?" Lily asks.

"Long story for when I know you two better. No offense." I say. They both smile and nod.

The bell rings and they both sit down.

The teacher walks in and instantly has a frown on his face.

He goes to his desk and turns on his computer, putting on CNN10. After we watched that he started handing out maps while giving instructions.

"Today we will be learning the Eastern European countries. I will hand out maps and you will fill it out. I want the countries we will go over the capitals wenesday." He says.

Everybody started getting they're computers out and filling out the map.

A day before school they let me stroll around the school and assigned me a computer.

I pull mine out of my backpack. He comes around with the map.

He puts one on my desk and it looks like he frowns even more, if that's even possible.

I quickly look down and start filling out the map. I know some of them like Russia, Turkey, Ukraine and a few others.

The computer I'm using is somewhat slow compared to what I'm used to. I think that next year we get to bring in our own computers. But at the end of the day we have to put these computers back in the case.

After a couple of minutes the teacher makes us stop and goes over the countries very quickly. I got them all down quickly although I could tell Lily and Holly didn't.

After that he made us all get into groups of three. Lily, Holly, and us all get in a group together.

"We're starting a new game, called the diplomacy game. Get together and choose a European country." He says. He goes over the basics of the game and then goes over the countries we all chose. We got Ireland.

Then he made us play the game for the last couple minutes while he's on his computer.

After the bell rings we head off to Language Arts, luckily we are all in the same half of the group.  I walk next to Holly and Lily due to it being upstairs.

"I'm pretty sure he hates me." I say. Holly looks at me and laughs.

"He hates everyone." Lily says and we all start laughing.

In Language Arts, I'm going to call it English, the teacher is new. The old teacher left for a better job on Christmas break.

The new teacher was the husband of the art teacher actually. He was extremely into video games and pop culture. He started talking about himself and then turned to us.

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