The Trip

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Mini Ladd real name is Craig
D/b = dog breed
F/d/b = favorite dog breed
Y/d/b = your dream backpack
F/b = favorite book
F/p = favorite pop

Autumn is a d/b. I love Autumn. I would never leave her anywhere. She is a year old.

I get up and go downstairs. Autumn is still sleeping so I leave her.

Before I get down all of the stairs I hear my brothers fighting. It was about our parents death so I stand there and listen quietly.

"You know it's not y/n's fault. It not like it was her choice." Luke said.

"I know. Our parents were on the way to pick her up. It was that stupid drunk driver's fault, George Lemon." Ryan says.

I instantly inhale quietly, but sharply. I knew a drunk man by the name of George Lemon.

I met him the same night my parents died. He was drunk and I tried to convince him to call an uber, but he continued to get into his car and leave. I didn't know the drunk man's name who had hit my parents.

I also didn't know they were coming to pick me up, I was planning on walking home that night.

"And that stupid George Lemon guy got away with barely a scratch. But don't blame y/n." Ryan said.

"I don't blame y/n. Not one bit. But we aren't going to tell her, are we clear on that." Luke tells Evan and Ryan.

I pause and let the emotions get control. I start crying softly and Evan heard me and came over.

"How much of that did you hear?" He asked.

"Why didn't you tell me it was my fault our parents died? Why would you hide something like that from me?" I yell.

"Because it wasn't your fault." Evan said calmly.

"If I wouldn't have gone to the stupid library this wouldn't have happened. It is my fault our parents are dead." I yell.

"Now don't talk like that to your brother." Luke says firmly.

"Why wouldn't you tell me?" I yell.

"Go to your room." Luke says. I storm off, crying, to my room.

I lay on the bed. I gather up clothes and items I want to keep close, like the book, a picture, and things for my dog. I get dressed in a hoodie and braid my hair. I put the braid to the side of my head and put my hood up.

I have a pair of jeans on. I put dog food, dog bowl, some toys, and a leash in my bag. I also get my phone, my phone charger, a book, my headphones and the charger for those, I also put a blanket in my bag.

I put the clothing, blanket, phone charger, headphones, charger for them, the relic book, f/b, picture, brush and ponytails, and all the money I own, which is $1000, in the book bag.

I put the dog food, dog bowl, and dog toys in a small drawstring backpack. It is simple black with the bottom on the bag f/c. My backpack is y/d/b.

I am still in crutches which does suck, but I'll get used to them.

I hook the leash to Autumn's collar and put on my backpack and then the smaller drawstring backpack over that. I go downstairs with Autumn's leash and I grab some  prepackaged foods, like granola bars, poptarts, jerky, and other little things I could find. I also grab some prepackaged waterbottles and stash all of that in my book bag.

I get a real water bottle and fill it up while Autumn sits next to me waiting.

I fill it up when my brothers come in.

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