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a/n: GUYS I SWEAR I FORGOT I HAD THIS STORY, I WROTE THIS WHEN I WAS 13-14 NOW IM 15 AND NOW HOPEFULLY THIS IS BETTER AND MORE LITERATE. tbh tho, I don't really stan the twins as much anymore but I'll do whatever to entertain my fellow sisters :)

Skylar's POV

Once I read this, I fell to my knees and I felt about 10 tears come out my eyes in 30 seconds. Loud sobs came out my mouth, Ethan came over to me, hugging me as he let thug tears out. "Why?? She was my sister, my best friend, my other half. Why her??? Why not me?" I screamed.

I hear a knock on the door. Ethan went to open the door, and as he opened it, Grayson, Yasmine, and Alex came to me, running, trying to calm me down. I felt claustrophobic and and I forcefully pushed everyone off of me, got up and wiped my tears. I started punching the walls and throwing everything I saw that came in my way, making a huge mess. I was screaming. I hear muffled voices, people touching me, trying to calm me down. "STOP" I yell and cry at the same time. I ran to my room upstairs and locked myself in. I closed my window and curtains, turned off the light but turned on my lamp. I started going through my phone, reading my messages with her, looking at picutres with her. I hear pounding on the door. "Open up!! I 'm worried" I hear my sisters yell. "Baby, come on out, or let me in." I ignored every comment being made. I walked my dresser and opened it up and took a hoodie that me and Meleny shared.

Her scent is still there, I put it on as I cry even more. I look at framed photos of the 'squad' and I see huge ass smiles coming from Meleny's face. "Okay, we'll go, but Ethan is going to stay here" I hear Grayson say.  I hear them exchange goodbye's, then a few seconds later I hear the door close. I open up my door and I see Ethan with puffy eyes, sitting on the floor and his back leaning on the wall. He quickly gets up and went for a hug. We both start to cry. After we pulled away he pecked my lips. "Baby, no matter what, I'll be here for you and help you through anything." He says as he holds me in his arms again. "I'm going to call Meleny's mom and ask what happened."

I go to my phone and dial her number. She picked up after 3 calls. We started to have a conversation about Meleny. "Meleny did not want to tell anyone this. She wanted people to find out when a day like this happened. She... *sniffs* She uh, had breast cancer. Thank you for being a best friend to her, making her forget what she was going through, I'm really glad that someone like you came into her life." That's when I hear the call end. I dont know what to think at this point. I had a blank face. Almost the face that Raven gets from That's So Raven when she gets a vision.

"Soo??" Ethan says. "Meleny had breast cancer.." Ethan makes the same face. This can't be real, It has to be a dream.

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