Part 4

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You woke up to the voice of someone gently calling your name. When you open your eyes, you saw Shu smiling down at you. You give a smile back and sat up. "Morning (y/n). I heard you giggle in your sleep last night. What were you dreaming about?" That question brought you back to that dream. "It was a great dream. I dreamt you and I riding the ferris wheel in an amusement park. We were having a lot of fun. You were singing a song to me. And you...uh... you kissed me when we reached the top of the ferris wheel." "Sounds like a nice dream. Get dressed, we'll be late for breakfast and you know how Reiji is with time punctuality." Shu said and he teleported out of your room.

You smiled to yourself. Things are finally going great. I'm finally with the guy I love. And that dream made my day. While getting dressed, you remembered one odd detail about that dream. While you were on the ferris wheel with Shu, you saw Subaru waving at you from below. He looked worried and looked like he was trying to warn you about something. You ignored him and continued looking at Shu. What does that mean? you asked yourself. But then, you quickly shrugged it off as a coincidence.

Time skip to school

"I-i'm so sorry I b-bullied you yesterday, (y/n). I was just pressured and j-jealous. P-please forgive m-me. I promise i-it will not happen a-again." The girl that bullied you yesterday came and apologize with a frighthen look like someone is pointing a gun at her forehead.

"It's alright." You said in a confused tone. She bullied me and now she asked for my forgiveness on the next day? Something's not right. You contemplated this situation, and you decided to ask her the reason behind this apology.

"Is something wrong? Why the quick change in attitude?" You asked her.

"N-nevermind...T-thank you f-for you forgiveness... See y-ya..."

With that, she ran off and didn't look back, leaving the ever so confused you to your thoughts. You knew you could never stop thinking about this until you get to the bottom of this, but you kept it to yourself. Things went as usual with the brothers. Well... almost. Kanato was still trying to make you into a doll, Laito tried to get you into his bed, Reiji tried to perfect for table manners and Shu became more tender towards you. Ayato and Subaru on the other hand had became distant and would rarely talk to you at all. You find this weird as Ayato usually likes to bother you.

Your life went as usual. Until...

Heard cliffhanger is a new style, so I tried to make an interesting one. Hope it is good enough.

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