Part 11

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You picked up the knife from the table near you and began to carve the left side of your chest. First, you carved a heart, then you carved a name in there. When you're done, you laid down and raised the blade... then you bring the knife down.

Before the knife pierced your white skin, you heard someone screaming NOOOOO!!!

Before you knew it, Subaru was looming over you, looking into your eyes with shock and fear. You could've sworn there was tears at the corner of his eyes.

"Nononononono! What did you do, (Y/n)?! Why did you do that!?" Subaru was screaming at you as the others slowly walked towards you.

You looked at Shu and said, "I hope this will bring Candance back to you, Shu. It's the least I can so for troubling you. I can tell you didn't really liked me but I kept pastering you anyway. I'm sorry."

You shifted you eyes from Shu to Subaru. "Subaru, I'm sorry for hurting you. I didn't know I was causing you so much pain. Don't worry. When I'm gone, you'll be happier."

As you said that, you feel yourself slipping away. Your slowly close your eyes. You heard screaming. You felt someone picked your hand up and placed it on something cold. Subaru placed your left hand on his cheek and was screaming, begging you to hold on. Subaru was yelling for Reiji to call an ambulance ASAP.

With your last strength and breath, you put your right hand on Subaru's other cheek and whispered, "I'm sorry Subaru. I love you."

With that, your whole world goes black. The last thing you heard was Subaru saying, "I love you too, (Y/n)."

Third POV
The body of (Y/n) slowly rises and when she spoke, a different voice came out.

"Shu, thank you so much for bringing me back. I love this body," said the creature wearing (Y/n) 's body.

Shu looked at her, shocked. It was Candance. He was so happy he just hugged her.

Everyone else looked relieved that (Y/n)' s sacrifice was not for nothing. They then went out of the room, leaving Shu to catch up with Candance.

Subaru went to the rose garden. He stood there in front of the garden and just stared at an individual flower. (Y/n) touch that rose before when she visited the garden. It'd became his favourite rose among the other seemingly identical roses.

As he stood there, it started to rain heavily. Yet Subaru just stood there and stared at the rose. He watched as the rose petals started to fall and in the end, that rose doesn't exists anymore. Even so, he just kept staring at the location where the rose was.

Then, he began to cry. He knelt on the ground, picked up the petals that fell off the rose and started to sob. He called out (Y/n)'s name, even though he is aware she'll never appear in front tof his face again.

Ayato came outside to drag him inside the house, he stayed there.

Reiji called him for dinner, he stayed there.

Laito tried to annoy him so he' ll go somewhere else, he stayed there.

Shu told him to go to sleep, he stayed there.

Kanato told him to go to school with them, he stayed there.

Shu invited him to his wedding with Candance, he stayed there.

Subaru just kept kneeling there, staring at the rose petals that has decomposed in his hands and at the new rose that grew at the spot where the special rose had wilted.

Days went by, he's still there.
Nights went by, he's still there.
Years went by, he's still there.

From time to time, the other brothers except Shu will bring food and water out for him and stayed by his side quietly, just keeping him company.

Until one day, Subaru was finally put to peace by an eternal slumber after a decade. Still, as he closed his eyes,  he made sure the last thing he sees was the rose. The rose that was once held by his only love, (Y/n).

As Subaru's soul walked towards the light, he saw (Y/n) there, waiting for him. She ran towards him as gave him a loving embrace as soon as she saw him. They both smiled and walked into the afterlife, fingers intertwined, together.

A vampire can love only once. They will never love another even though they knew they had no chance. Human on the other hand can love multiple times, learning from their mistakes. That is why Shu still loved Candance, and Subaru still loved You. The End.

A little note. Please don't hate me for this sad ending. I love them all so much and I will never hope for this to happen to them, but I think it'll make this story more romantic. I know you'll like a happy ending. Sorry an infinity to all fanpeople.

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