Part 5

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"We're going to visit a friend. Stay in the mansion, (y/n). Don't even try to escape. Ayato will be watching you. We'll be back later," that was the typical goodbye from Reiji even after all this time.

"Yeah yeah. I won't. Don't worry," you said in an uninterested tone. You were somewhat disappointed that Shu is not the one staying back to make sure you didn't try to escape.

Before they depart, you bidded Shu goodbye with a kiss on his cheek.

This scene was witnessed by Subaru who's heart is shattering this very second.

As soon as they leave, you decided to take a bath and change into something more casual.

You were in a towel walking towards the bathroom when a voice stopped you.

"Oi, (y/n)," you knew that voice too well.

You looked to where the sound was coming from and looked at the vampire looking at you with an unreadable expression.

"Ayato, please. I'm in a towel, getting ready to bathe. If you want to annoy me, please don't, if you want me to make you takoyaki, let me finish my bath first. If you want to suck my blood again, don't you think you've had enough blood today. Now if you'll excuse me i-" you were cut short by Ayato covering your mouth with his hand.

"Shut up. Why are you so annoying. And to think I wanted you to be my bride. Now listen here and listen close," said Ayato, looking at you with a grim face.

"A-Ayato? Is something wrong. Why are you making that face?" you stuttered as you try not to enrage the beast in front of you.

"Do you have any idea how much pain you'd put him through? Do you know how much he loves you? (Y/n), when a vampire loves a person, truly loves that person, they can never love another. He loves you, but you chose the wrong guy. How could you?" Ayato said in the most serious voice you have ever heard come out of his mouth.

You were still a little scared by his sudden change of behaviour. You re scared that he'll kill you and nobody will know because there was no one around.

"A-Ayato we you talking about? I-I don't understand. Who loves me? Who am I hurting? Why are you telling me this? What did I d-"  you shut up as you saw Ayato's face grew darker with rage and...disappointment?

"You really have no clue. And to think you are a smart girl,(y/n). Figure it out yourself," that was the last thing he said to you that day.

Ayato turned around and walked away, just as you heard the main gate open and the sound of the limousine's engine.

"What, why are they so fast? Goddammit. I need to get dressed immediately before Laito try to rape me," you said that to yourself and quickly took the shower you wanted before Ayato interrupted you.

When you finished changing, you went to greet Shu at the main door. What you saw gave you the shock of your life.

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