blue love letter

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dear hyunjin,

i know im stupid for writing a letter for you because you're not the type who read letters from any girl. so i guess i'll just keep this inside my memory box.

so first of all, this isn't really much like a love letter because i particularly don't have a big crush towards you. im just your secret admirer.

the first time i saw you, i was captivated by your looks and your figure. it really matches my ideal type. but i dont really care about that.

it all started when i saw you in the train station last christmas. there's this grandma who lost her ticket back to jeju. and when you noticed something wrong, you immediately helped by giving her your money to buy a new one.

you are a generous person. i felt happy for the grandma and i felt proud of you because yeah, your my friend?

and please dont be mistaken bcs i didn't stalked you, i just happened to had the same depart as the grandma. anyway, i felt lucky to witness your kindness.

and somehow, i really like intelligent students,especially when it comes to boys. i do notice you go to the library sometimes to make some revision and im attracted by your polite behaviour and attitude towards elders.

i guess that's all im gonna brag about you. there's more but, it will take forever to write haha. so, clearly im writing this letter of you as a friend who really admires you. i just secretely hope that i can have a husband like you in the future.

i know its impossible to be friends with someone popular but i wish i can say these words to you face to face.

thank you for being a great person,and i will forever cherish you in my life.

sincerely, eunha

dear eunha,

this is a reply for you and im sorry if my handwriting sucks.
im glad to say that your letter is the first ever letter that i read until the end.

when i first saw this letter, i thought it would be from some fangirls who started their speeches with 'i like you, will you accept me?' and other gross words. but it somehow entertains me when i start to read it.

i feel like a warm embrace around me when i read it. i never knew someone would write spectacularly like this. im surprised by the way you look at me, its somehow unique to myself.

should i also tell my perspective towards you? well, the first time i saw you i thought you're a living doll haha. you got a cute round face tho.

and i started to notice you when i was walking down street a few months ago. i saw a lady in her 40s on the other side of the road who's having a hard time holding many plastics of grocery stuffs by her own. she was about to cross the road but hesitated. i was about to help her before a girl approached.

and im surprised, it was you. you immediately take the heaviest ones and help her cross the road.
as both of you arrived safely in the pedestrian walk, the lady handed 300 won to you but you refuse her offer instead of taking it. you even said helping her was not a big deal. i was captivated by your sincere actions.

i received this letter right on the day you included in an accident. i was patiently looking forward the day you'll be back to school just to tell you about this. and i also wish i can say these words to you in front of your eyes.

eunha, thank you for admiring me and i hope you always be. maybe you think you're stupid but only god knows how much your words give me motivation in myself.

anyways, i hope we can get closer after this. ;)

love, hyunjin

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