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a notification appeared on my phone screen.

it was from hyunjin.

i who studied biology since 3 hours ago looked up to what he sent to me.

Eun's Bubble Tea Cafe
7am i'll be waiting.

and there goes my heartbeat again, i cant refuse the feel to be tempted by him. well, he doesnt tempt me at all but his charm melts everyone in school.

i still seriously cannot believe that i am having an event with hyunjin aka my admiration or

its not anymore? things have been so complicated to me these days as i cant wait to see him everyday at school. seeing him makes me alive, yes i know that.

he has been turning my life upside down.

i quickly called shinbi and sowon to come over, they are the only ones who free right now.

i stared at the ceiling for a long time as now its 5 in the evening. then i remembered that i should give shinbi her lenses back.

i walk to my makeup table and open the drawer, just to find a big cute turquoise box almost looking like lara jean's.

this box keeps a lot of my private things that mostly secret and i only share it with shinbi.

i opened the box and my hands crawl inside to find the lenses pallete but i found something remarkable instead.

eunha's promises.

this was two year ago.

when my rank dropped drastically and my grades were way lower than my other classmates.

i touched the piece of paper filled by numbers of promises.

i made this with eomma. and i dont know if i've break one of the promises.

my eyes trailed the numbers as it stopped at number eight.

8. i am not allowed to have a boyfriend until im 20.

this one was the easiest to write, but to think of it right now, it is the hardest to not break it.

having a relationship in your senior year is rightfully one of the moments you will not forget.

how unlucky am i to leave that one thing hanging on my list.

i guess i let it go then.


"cant you wear something more decent?"

"i am wearing decently."

i packed the books needed before zipping it. 10 minutes left before 7.

"girls like boys who care about their appearance. it makes you look fancier."
seungmin exclaimed and the whole room started to sing FANCY by TWICE.

i just laughed by their hilarious faces while putting some compact powder on my face and also a natural lip balm.

"woah i cant believe our hyunjin is going on a date." woojin patted my shoulder. he talked as if he's the dad.

"he's not on a date he's having a tutoring session."
jeongin interrupted with a stern voice and i kinda feel like somethings fishy here.

"yah, jeongin. are you jelly?"
felix winked his eye as he approached jeongin who was on his phone.

jeongin looked at felix with disgust before he heaved a deep, serious sigh. i have never seen him this sad.

"its fine, eunha got no interest on me at all."

he said those words while looking at my eyes that i can see he's sending another message.

speechless, i couldnt think of what he's trying to mean clearly.

"bro, you say it like youre rejected huh?"
seungmin patted his back and jeongin smiled widely afterwards.

"haih mwoya. didnt we promised that day was just a prank to fool hyunjin?"
he suddenly bursted out of laugh.

the whole room really thought jeongin is heartbreaking, and i was about to express my guilt.

was he actually did that to eunha just to annoy me or, he does like her?

"yah, you chaebols dont take it seriously. this is just the beginning steps."
i get my backpack and rushed to the door as i glanced at my watch that im running out of time.

"wooooo 'just the beginning huh?' what are you up to you innocent boy!" minho threw a pillow at me but i push it away and just giggled.

"bye." i said and went out of the house.

third person

as hyunjin's figure is out of their sights, all of them turned to jeongin.

"yah, do you like her?"
bang chan asked and this time he sounded seriously.

the atmosphere got tensed as jeongin lifted his head, observing everyone in the room who are waiting for his answer.

once again, the youngest member laughed hardily.

and the others were kind of like, confused.

"stop laughing you pabo! whats so funny?" and woojin hit his butt with a plastic rode, causing him to wince out of pain.

everyone who witnessed were entertained by jeongin's reaction.
some of them joined woojin harm his precious butt and the atmosphere went normal.

the boys were end up tired because of the earlier session so all of them plopped on the bed.

meanwhile jeongin, he looked up at the ceiling and catching his breath at the same time.

"eunha," he muttered. "i dont know if i do like her but one thing for sure is that..."

"she made my chilhood days better."


a new update! sorry for having a long hiatus but i promise i will be updating consistently as im on a holiday now!


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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2019 ⏰

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