Chapter 3

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"I-I'm so sorry!" He sputtered out as he kneeled down on the floor beside you, not noticing he was getting the paint all over his trousers. He had a rag in his hand, quickly trying to wipe it off the floor; leaving stains everywhere. He let out a mortified breath before looking at you, and scurrying to help you up. You grabbed his outstretched hand, carefully getting up and leaning against his desk. It was a wonder you were acting calmer than you thought you would.

Suddenly Yoonbum bowed towards you, confusing you. "I'm sorry! I spilled the paint on the floor and didn't bother to clean it up..." You then realized a lot of classmates were staring, some even laughing at the unfolding of events. You felt irked. "Oh my, what a mess" your teacher said as she loomed over the both of you. "It was an accident!" You excused, but she only smiled. "Just get the alcohol from the storage room and clean up, don't sweat it" you sighed in relief as she walked away, looking back at the boy who had his head downcast.

You swiftly gathered some rags and alcohol from the small supply closet, setting them down beside you as you knelt down on your knees. You opened the cap of the bottle, carefully pouring it over the polished paint staining the floor. You began to scrub at it, not noticing he was doing the same. Your eyes accidentally met his, before you both looked away, making your heart pound in your chest. Soon, the floor was clean, it was time for you to go back to your portrait.

You saw Yoonbum frown at his work, and saw an opening. 'carpe diem!' you thought excitedly as you stood beside him. "I'm sorry, I ruined your painting" You said wistfully. "Eh, no. It's alright..." He practically whispered as he trailed off. "I know, I can help you start over on yours again" you hummed out. He began to protest in a flustered manner, not wanting to waste your time; but you were insistent. "Are you saying I'm not good enough to help you?" You pouted. "Th-That's not it!" You almost giggled at his sputtering. Eventually he gave in, allowing you to discard of the ruined canvas.

You had a feeling the next few days would be eventful.

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