I think!

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I think I will start to write more about what happened after a year of DCS, our cases closing, and now how life is with me and my brother.

1. Living...
He is now out of a group home and now he lives with his fiancee (whom looks like a parona) in a house not far from mine but far enough where I wouldn't have to see him all the time. I still see him a lot because he is alway hanging around my house and neighborhood.
2. Feeling tord him...
I still hate him but I have got to the point where I won't let him take over my life and make it so I can't do things  or go somewhere just because of him. I don't talk to him, stand near him, or even look at him, but if he is outside of my house and I want to go hang out with some friends I have to run pass him to go to my friends.
3. My feelings...
I hate him, but I can't let him take over my life, I understand that my mom wants to see her son every once in a while but not every other day. Everyother day I would hear "He is out side taking to (my brother's name)"

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