Chapter 1: 1st Encounter

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Kit's POV

"beep! beep! beep!"
I woke up with the sound of my alarm clock beside my bed. My hands immediately turn it off and I gradually open my eyes, went up and made my wake up routine. It was a new day, the sun light trikes into my room as I open the curtains of my window. I was able to see the beautiful ambiance of this new surroundings that awaits me.

I walk out of my room and immediately go to the kitchen. I saw my mom cooking and preparing the food for breakfast.

"Good Morning Mom!" I greet him with a smile and kiss him in her chicks like I always do.

"Good Morning Son" He greeted back. "Do you mind if you call your little brother upstairs so that we can eat already? I'm almost done here" She ask as she continues to saute the vegetables on the dish that she was cooking.

I walk my way upstairs to wake up my little brother who was still sleeping in his room. I knock 3 times and call his name "Hey Gun!! It's already time! Wake up already!" "10 minutes more please" he replied.

I go to my room and take a shower after that to prepare for this big day. Well, it's actually not a holiday but I consider it special because it's my 1st day to my new school. We actually just move in here in this town called Magnolia because of my fathers business.

I was nostalgic when I saw myself wearing this new uniform. It's quite different to what I use to wear on my previous school which was actually a simple pair of white polo and black pants. I was looking at the mirror for about 10 minutes now thinking if I do look good with this gray pants, white polo top with a red blazer uniform. I put on my contact lenses and went down to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

"Ready for your 1st day at the University Kit? " Mom ask while we were eating, I just smile because honestly I don't know what to expect.

"Oh my sweet KitKat! I'm sure you'll be fine and make new friends, For all I know maybe you'll have your new girlfriend there" I almost got choked when Mom finished his sentence. "Mom! You know that it's not my priority! And Please don't call me KitKat I'm already adult mom" "Well for me you'll always be my sweet little KitKat! So don't argue" Well yeah! That's my Mom. As sweet as ever.

I get my Car Keys and say goodbye to my mom after that.

at the school parking lot..

Well this is it Kit! New School! New Environment! I try to encourage my self as I parked my car in the parking lot of the school, as I get out of my car I immediately notice that there was actually a lot of activities for the 1st day of school. It was almost like a festival or something, there were a lot o booths, fun activities and stuffs, And there was this people trying to convince you to join their club.

I walk through the entrance of the school fair and I feel like I'm drowning! Maybe because I'm not use to a big crowd but at the same time I'm overwhelmed! I feel like it would be a great day as I walk and keep wandering around.

Then suddenly "Bump", I felt a cold liquid touches my skin and wake me up in my paranoia. "Oh shiiit!" those were the first two words that comes out to my mouth.

"Oh! No! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry" Said the guy that I bumped into! I was about to burst out disgust but i realize that it was my fault and besides I saw that his shirt was also wet. "Oh! I'm sorry also! It's my fault! Please forgive my carelessness"

The guy throw the cup of his drink and wipe his hands with a handkerchief while I was trying to find anything that I can use as a rug. The guy suddenly approach me and offer his handkerchief "Use this P" I really felt guilty here! I'm really sorry I ruined your day naah!", He said with an apologetic tone. I look at him and got stunned for a moment because of his eyes, they were really shinning and I can't stop looking through it. " P' are you ok? I'm really sorry nah" I realized what I'm doing after that and immediately look away "That's ok! It's actually my fault! I was too excited about this 1st day"

"Why? Are you new here? "He ask, "Yes! I'm a transferee student here. I've actually just move here in this town a couple of days a go" I replied.

He immediately reached his hands to me and said " That's great! Well in behalf of the whole school i would like to welcome you to Mickenly University! I'm Mingkwan khub! Captain Ball of the Volleyball team" then he smile!

I really don't know but there something in the way he smiles and his eyes were really catchy! "P' Hello? Haha Mind if you introduce yourself?" I was knocked out on my day dream when I hear that! " Ah, ehhhh! I'm Kit! "

"Your quiet wierd aren't you? Haha P' say something about you! " I really don't know why I feel so shy right now! Talking to this guy actually makes me feel a bit ill 😂 ( Yeah! make an excuse)

"Well! That's it! I'm Kit! and I gotta Go! I need to find my classroom!" I immediately run away and leave because it's already time and I don't feel like the vibe anymore! I'm really shy that's why I don't often make a conversation.

I decided to stop running when I realized that I don't know where is my classroom was! Aghhhhhh! I hit myself because I'll be late for sure because I'm so damn shy to ask for directions! 😭😂 What would I do!

20 mins had passed and I can't find my classroom still! I'm 5 mins late already in the class! I don't know what to do! Luckily a teacher approach me "Hey! Are you looking for something? " "Ehhhhm actually I'm lost! Do you know where SJH Building room 408 was? " I replied

" I was about to go there! Integral Calculus right? " I look at this lady talking to me and then I realized she was one of the teachers here. "Oh! I'm sorry ma'am, It's my first day! Sorry If I'm late in your class! "

"Well I'm still here! So you're not considered late! You are the transferee right? Let's Go! I'll introduce you to the class!", She said then she lead the way to the room.

I waited in front of the classroom as instructed by our teacher. " GoodMorning class! Before we start todays class I would like you to meet someone! He is a transferee student from Cambridge University! So please let's welcome him! Alright?" The teacher look at me at instructed me to come in.

As I walk my way inside the classroom i felt numb! And all I wish is not to mess up! I'm now standing in front of the class and I felt like there were thousands of eyes looking at me.

" Sawadee khub! I'm Mongkol "Kit" Intochar, you can call me Kit! ahhhhm, I'm 19 and I came from Cambridge U.! Please be kind to me nah?! " I smile and try to look cute because I don't want to embarrass my self on my 1st day. Then I heard a lot of giggles from girls after that.

I was about to walk and sit when suddenly a guy stood up and clap his hands while looking at me!

"Yoooooo! Welcome to our section Kit the weird guy from earlier! Guys! What will you say?!" The the whole section stand up " Welcome Kit!" and they all clap their hands!

I look Ming and he was looking at me! Then he wink his eyes! I was shookt!

I felt shy, "Khob Khun Kah! Thank you so much!" I feel warm inside! Thanks to this tall guy, with a shinning smile and thick eyebrows! Mingkwan! Please be friendly to me! 😊

So that's the 1st one guys! It's Christmas so enjoy the Night! 😘💕 Hope you enjoy the story! Please support me! ❤️ I'll update in the next couple of days! 😘💕


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