Chapter 3

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Sam awoke to the sound of his mother's voice.

"Five more minutes," he groaned sleepily, rolling over under his sheets and stuffing his face deep into his pillow.

"Fine, but you better be down in ten minutes or else, mister Samuel Golbach!"

"Mmmm," was all he managed back, voice muffled from the fabric pressed against his face.

Needless to say, he couldn't fall back asleep after such a threat.

Much to his relief, when he opened his eyes and was overwhelmed by rays of light shining from his curtain's edge, his mind concluded that it was Saturday and he didn't have to go to school.

Thank god, he thought in delight, stretching out as the warm rays hit his face, his bones cracking one by one as raised and lowered his arms.

It then dawned on Sam how odd it was for his mother to be waking him up so early on a Saturday morning. She had work, usually, but Sam supposed with the new routine those hours had been pushed back too.

He crawled out of bed and pushed the curtains open, squinting his bright blue eyes as the sun flooded into his room like flash from a camera. He grunted in dismay, adjusting himself to the morning sun, yawning and soaking in it (to spite his pale appearance) before making his way out of his room.

He noticed as the past the room beside his--previously, his younger brother's (Ben's) room. The door was shut once again to Sam's surprise, but he was so groggy he shrugged it off and trudged down the stairs, rubbing his left eye with a balled fist as he sauntered past his mother who was sitting at the dining table with a cup of coffee, an odd smile on her face.

Sam gave her a bizzare look-down, about to wander over to the counter before his mother stopped him and told him to sit across from her. It was then he noted that she had made him a coffee and it was sitting in his usual table placement.

Okay. This was definitely out of the routine.

"Thanks," Sam offered, hesitating for a second, almost uncomfortably glancing around until he pulled the chair out and sat down.

He took a sip of the hot coffee--it was always better when his Mom made it--and instantly relaxed more in his chair, despite the slight discomfort that came with having his normal morning interrupted.

"So, Sam," his mother started, her voice shaky with an untracked emotion.

Sam eyed her with watchful blues as he sipped from his favorite Twenty One Pilots mug.

"I think you're probably very confused as to why I've called you down so early and mixed up your schedule."

Sam nodded quietly, lowering the mug to the table carelessly while his mother slipped a coaster under it faster than he could blink. He nodded in thanks.

"Well, I have some news. I wanted a change around here, and I know you're not always the biggest fan of change, but it seemed necessary and I have been waiting for months."

Sam's heart sunk in his chest. Change, to him, was never a good thing. It came with so many consequences and issues and it just wasn't worth the hassle.

It must have shown how panicked he became, because his mother placed her hand over his on the table, giving it a gentle squeeze.

Sam forced a smile.

"Care to share what it is?"

He said it almost maliciously, without intending to--it was just hard to refrain from gritting his teeth. He knew she was old enough to make her own decisions, but they were all each other had. Surely a family discussion about whatever this was would have been within reason.

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